Bush vs. Clinton on terrorism

Yep we did bury our heads in the sand when Sadam first used chemical weapons on his own and the Iranians. why was that WRL ? why did it all of a sudden become an issue ?
think a little bit there.

How many times do I have to post the huge list of UN resolutions on Iraq, by bury our head in the sand I meant pointless diplomatic maneuvers through the UN, like you advocate we do.
How many times do I have to post the huge list of UN resolutions on Iraq, by bury our head in the sand I meant pointless diplomatic maneuvers through the UN, like you advocate we do.

Should we invade Israel?

They're in violation of 60+ UN resolutions.
Seems like only yeaterday he derided UN resoloutions, now he is using them for justification. How fast they grow up. or not :)
Nice evasion.

Certainly, you have a cut and paste to answer the question.

UN violations are, or are not a reason to go to war?

Security Council resolutions sure, for our contingent to the UN, and I do believe every one has been vetoed on Israel.
Security Council resolutions sure, for our contingent to the UN, and I do believe every one has been vetoed on Israel.

By the US. The US vetoes everything that admonishes Israel.

And you still didn't answer my question.

Here, I'll make it easier.

Should we invade countries that are in violation of UN Resolutions?
By the US. The US vetoes everything that admonishes Israel.

And you still didn't answer my question.

Here, I'll make it easier.

Should we invade countries that are in violation of UN Resolutions?

that's a lot of countries to be invading.
By the US. The US vetoes everything that admonishes Israel.

And you still didn't answer my question.

Here, I'll make it easier.

Should we invade countries that are in violation of UN Resolutions?

Come on now, do you not know there are different 'branches' of the UN, if we're talking security council resolutions, then I've answered your question.
Dems will fight terrorism by giving them health care off the tax payers backs---no child should have to worry about getting shot (when they are trying to kill us), and not have health care.

Sound goofy? You bet---but the libs will be supporting it soon if trends mean anything.
I link everything, I even show you the pictures, we buried our head in the sand, and 3,000 innocent people where murdered for it.

Glad to see you admit that Bush had his head burried in the sand in the months leading up to 9-11.

Even when he saw a PDB that said - "Bin Laden determined to attack the United States."

Bush thought that was a good time to take the longest presidental vacation ever!
Come on now, do you not know there are different 'branches' of the UN, if we're talking security council resolutions, then I've answered your question.

There are plenty of UN Security Council resolutions that Israel is in violation of. Resolution 242 immediately comes to mind.