Bush Wants $50 Billion More for Iraq War


Villified User
Bush Wants $50 Billion More for Iraq War
Planned Request Signals Confidence That Congress Won't Prevail on Pullout

By Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 29, 2007; Page A01

President Bush plans to ask Congress next month for up to $50 billion in additional funding for the war in Iraq, a White House official said yesterday, a move that appears to reflect increasing administration confidence that it can fend off congressional calls for a rapid drawdown of U.S. forces.

The request -- which would come on top of about $460 billion in the fiscal 2008 defense budget and $147 billion in a pending supplemental bill to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq -- is expected to be announced after congressional hearings scheduled for mid-September featuring the two top U.S. officials in Iraq. Army Gen. David H. Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker will assess the state of the war and the effect of the new strategy the U.S. military has pursued this year.

Yeah, and on the other side of the coin our troops still are not properly equipped. The contractors seem to have the new IED proof vehicles but the troops are just starting to get them...

Just one big royal cluster f%$#$
When Democrats try to pass it with non-binding provisions that Bush vetos, the Republicans will send another letter to Adam W. telling us how Democrats voted against giving the troops the resources they need.
Yep and that thread about the deal of gonzo leaving in exchange for war support by the republicans....hmmm
Fuck no. Dont send another god damned DIME out here. It goes to KBR (civilian contractors) or TCN's. And it goes to buying weapons for the IP's that get lost or stolen. Fuck that, thats my goddamned money. If you support the troops support better medical benefits for them instead. Better training and HIGHER standards for enlistment. That $50,000,000,000.00 can be used for so much more. Fuck we could replace the ageing M16's (I'm absolutly postitive mine was in Vietnam) for a fraction of all that. We could become better marksmen back in the states. We could invest the money in prodjects OTHER than the military at all.
The thing is, you are unpatirotic if you dont support the troops... and if you dont do what Bush wants you are not supporting the troops!
Making excuses for the democrats who don’t do what they stumped on to get control of congress is not going to work.

The American people will pick up on it.
Yep if the dems do not stand up this time, why should we believe they ever will.
Put it off till after the Sept report and then they will have more ammo for standing up.
Yeah, and on the other side of the coin our troops still are not properly equipped. The contractors seem to have the new IED proof vehicles but the troops are just starting to get them...

Just one big royal cluster f%$#$
the only IED proofs are the removel; of our troops.
Yeah, and on the other side of the coin our troops still are not properly equipped. The contractors seem to have the new IED proof vehicles but the troops are just starting to get them...
Just one big royal cluster f%$#$

There is no such animal...IED proof or otherwise...if the money is earmarked for replacement equipment or VA Benefits and such I am on board...if it is for the Iraq's...or contractors to increase the bottom line...I say hell no!
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Fuck no. Dont send another god damned DIME out here. It goes to KBR (civilian contractors) or TCN's. And it goes to buying weapons for the IP's that get lost or stolen. Fuck that, thats my goddamned money. If you support the troops support better medical benefits for them instead. Better training and HIGHER standards for enlistment. That $50,000,000,000.00 can be used for so much more. Fuck we could replace the ageing M16's (I'm absolutly postitive mine was in Vietnam) for a fraction of all that. We could become better marksmen back in the states. We could invest the money in prodjects OTHER than the military at all.

Hey the M-16 is a great weapon for where you are...some problemos in Nam because of the mud and humitity...but where you are it is well suited! Asfor VA benefits and such I am in your corner!
There is no such animal...IED proff or otherwise...if the money is earmarked for replacement equipment or VA Benefits and such I am on board...if it is for the Iraq's...or contractors to increase the bottom line...I say hell no!

Umm I forget the new vehicles name and I agree nothing is IED proof, but vastly imporved over the hummers and duece and a halfs.
There is no such animal...IED proof or otherwise...if the money is earmarked for replacement equipment or VA Benefits and such I am on board...if it is for the Iraq's...or contractors to increase the bottom line...I say hell no!
I have seen pictures of this thing they are talking about, a glorified bulldozer at a million bucks apeice. let's see now, they would need a few thousand of them.$$$$$$$$$$
hve you checked out that heat ray they want to employ?

then too, this is also called knuckling under.

I read today the ray gun is out for now.

Or is that the Gay Ray ?

I wonder if the military might have been testing that in Idaho ...
darn the senator might just be an innocent victim!
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The democrats will give Bush whatever he wants. Hell, I guess we should be happy because he could have asked for 100 billion and the democrats would have given it to him.

The antiwar crowd will get pissed .. then run out and vote for the very same democrats who have been enabling Bush's war from the beginning.

And the circle goes on and on ...