Bush Wants $50 Billion More for Iraq War

The new vehical is called an MRAP. It's huge and not fun to ride in. I dont know what the current crop of military vehical designers have against people but at 38,000 lbs and no shock absorbers its probably the wrost ride I have ever had ever. I'm glad i wear my helmet because otherwise I would be a vegetable without it inside that peice. Supposedly they can take one hell of a blast though, but I've seen an IED flip a M1 tank upside down, so thats all relative.

BB we could argue the merits of the M16 system all day (and I would rpobably win), but I'm taking about replacing my 30+ antique with a newer one, like an M16A4.
The new vehical is called an MRAP. It's huge and not fun to ride in. I dont know what the current crop of military vehical designers have against people but at 38,000 lbs and no shock absorbers its probably the wrost ride I have ever had ever. I'm glad i wear my helmet because otherwise I would be a vegetable without it inside that peice. Supposedly they can take one hell of a blast though, but I've seen an IED flip a M1 tank upside down, so thats all relative.

BB we could argue the merits of the M16 system all day (and I would rpobably win), but I'm taking about replacing my 30+ antique with a newer one, like an M16A4.
It also gets about 3 Gallons to the Mile.