

You know I googled this and found some pretty funny stuff .. but I then had to stop and think for a minute ... and asked of myself ..this question; This is the guy that the Dems couldnt beat?


When I surf around and read all the bitchin and moanin, evil conspiracy this and stupid is that ... oil and sercretive this and monkey ass that.
I wonder, how is it that this guy who is supposed to be such a dumb ass... gotten as far as he has?

Hey ...I'll be the first to admit .. , I did vote for the guy .. total mistake the first time and lack of an alternative the second time around ...
regardless ... either Bush is the most corrupt yet brilliant American Politician ... or America has become a Nation of poltical apathy .. thus his rise to power ...
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either Bush is the most corrupt yet brilliant American Politician ... or America has become a Nation of poltical apathy .. thus his rise to power ...


A bit of both I do believe.
I think a good portion of America has become intellectually lazy, heavily reliant on news snippets and one-liner zingers rather than facts. I don't think Bush is brilliant or even moderatetly intelligent. As a matter of fact I stand my assertion that he's barely one step above clinically retarded, perhaps a brilliant monkey at best- but I digress.

republicans in general have become brilliant at spinning and insinuating what they want people to believe is truth. The republican marketing machine is brilliant - not Bush. There was more than enough evidence in 2000 that gave us a prelude to Bush's proclivity to failure and then there were the 4 years of failures he had to stand on in 2004 . Despite all of this he was elected in 04, why? not because Kerry was so bad, but because the spin-meisters were so good.
You know I googled this and found some pretty funny stuff .. but I then had to stop and think for a minute ...and asked of myself this question, this is the guy that the Dems couldnt beat?


Whe I surf around and read all the bitchin and moanin, evil conspiracy this and stupid is that ... oil and sercretive this and monkey ass that.
I wonder, how is it that this guy who is supposed to be such a dumb ass... gotten as far as he has?

Hey I'll be the first to admit .. I did vote for the guy .. total mistake the first time and lack of an alternative the second time around ...
regardless ... either Bush is the most corrupt yet brilliant American Politician ... or America has become a Nation of poltical apathy .. thus his rise to power ...

He's being "held up"....

And the better question is how could people continue to support him as the leader of the world after the first 4 years of Bushisms? ;):clink: :clink:
We may not be nice, but at least we didn't vote for the devil himself :burn:

Got me.

Well, maybe not the devil himself, but a minion might be a good way of describing him.


Sorry, but if you guys had offered someone halfway decent... oh wait, we are talking about politicians. There is no such thing as a halfway decent politician. Hmmm, where do I go from here?

Got me.

Well, maybe not the devil himself, but a minion might be a good way of describing him.


Sorry, but if you guys had offered someone halfway decent... oh wait, we are talking about politicians. There is no such thing as a halfway decent politician. Hmmm, where do I go from here?

LOL! When I read "minion" I immediately thought of one of those half-headed soldier demons from Constantine. That would explain the Bushisms, certainly.
LOL! When I read "minion" I immediately thought of one of those half-headed soldier demons from .....

Actually Reginald Bush, George W's 2nd cousin, played one of those in the movie.

True story: if you play the DVD backwards in the 17th chapter, you can see George Bush in a T-shirt that says, "I stole both elections"
The repubs have become masters at convincing people that the democrats are far worse than the republicans are. They however have much more trouble selling their ideas to the people than the demoncrats do.
I think a good portion of America has become intellectually lazy, heavily reliant on news snippets and one-liner zingers rather than facts. I don't think Bush is brilliant or even moderatetly intelligent. As a matter of fact I stand my assertion that he's barely one step above clinically retarded, perhaps a brilliant monkey at best- but I digress.

republicans in general have become brilliant at spinning and insinuating what they want people to believe is truth. The republican marketing machine is brilliant - not Bush. There was more than enough evidence in 2000 that gave us a prelude to Bush's proclivity to failure and then there were the 4 years of failures he had to stand on in 2004 . Despite all of this he was elected in 04, why? not because Kerry was so bad, but because the spin-meisters were so good.

You had my respect up unitl you said .... "not because Kerry was so bad " now you talk about being intellectually lazy? ROFLMAO!!!
You know I googled this and found some pretty funny stuff .. but I then had to stop and think for a minute ...and asked of myself this question, this is the guy that the Dems couldnt beat?


Whe I surf around and read all the bitchin and moanin, evil conspiracy this and stupid is that ... oil and sercretive this and monkey ass that.
I wonder, how is it that this guy who is supposed to be such a dumb ass... gotten as far as he has?

Hey I'll be the first to admit .. I did vote for the guy .. total mistake the first time and lack of an alternative the second time around ...
regardless ... either Bush is the most corrupt yet brilliant American Politician ... or America has become a Nation of poltical apathy .. thus his rise to power ...

Al Gore did beat Bush. It's just that, whenever the winner-take all system was finished mutilating the vote it came out with Bush.
Al Gore did beat Bush. It's just that, whenever the winner-take all system was finished mutilating the vote it came out with Bush.

Yeah he did in the popular vote .. but Al Gore lost not because of Florida.. but because he screwd up his own state of Tennessee .... if he had won Tennessee we wouldnt be talking about GW today ..
Yeah he did in the popular vote .. but Al Gore lost not because of Florida.. but because he screwd up his own state of Tennessee .... if he had won Tennessee we wouldnt be talking about GW today ..

No, and we on the right could be joyfully proclaiming that Kerry was a retarded liar and all the other hateful things that have been said about our current President. Hell, I would probably still be a Republican. I'd probably be beating up Kerry for every little thing he did and claiming everything was better when Bush was President. Hmm, just like our Democrat friends are doing today.

Thank God those days are over. Thank God Bush won and I can see that he is just as f'd up as Kerry and Kennedy and the whole doggone bunch of them. Thank God for answered prayers even though I knew not what I asked.

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You know I googled this and found some pretty funny stuff .. but I then had to stop and think for a minute ... and asked of myself ..this question; This is the guy that the Dems couldnt beat?


When I surf around and read all the bitchin and moanin, evil conspiracy this and stupid is that ... oil and sercretive this and monkey ass that.
I wonder, how is it that this guy who is supposed to be such a dumb ass... gotten as far as he has?

Hey ...I'll be the first to admit .. , I did vote for the guy .. total mistake the first time and lack of an alternative the second time around ...
regardless ... either Bush is the most corrupt yet brilliant American Politician ... or America has become a Nation of poltical apathy .. thus his rise to power ...

Bush is no brilliant politician. For one thing, lying and malicious smear campaigns are not brilliant politics, and for another, Bush is only an arrogant, corrupt, incompetent puppet with delusions of grandeur. Karl Rove is the puppet master. Bush has gotten where he is because his father and his father's friends keep bailing him out. Not to mention two stolen presidential elections.