Bush's Latest Executive Order


Worst gambler ever
Essentially, anyone that the Secretary of the Treasury or of State determines to be undermining US policy in the Middle East, specifically with regard to Lebanon and Syria, can have all of their assets seized by Big Brother.

How the fuck is this happening and why isn't this on the front page of every newspaper in this country?

This guy is a disaster, a power hungry wannabe dictator.

to have taken, or to pose a significant risk of taking, actions, including acts of violence, that have the purpose or effect of undermining Lebanon's democratic processes or institutions, contributing to the breakdown of the rule of law in Lebanon, supporting the reassertion of Syrian control or otherwise contributing to Syrian interference in Lebanon, or infringing upon or undermining Lebanese sovereignty; "

Or poses a significant risk of taking...said action, whatever the action might be, it too is nebulous.
Essentially, anyone that the Secretary of the Treasury or of State determines to be undermining US policy in the Middle East, specifically with regard to Lebanon and Syria, can have all of their assets seized by Big Brother.

How the fuck is this happening and why isn't this on the front page of every newspaper in this country?

This guy is a disaster, a power hungry wannabe dictator.


The Bush adminstration deserves to be arrested if this is the standard. Bush is doing more undermining of america in the ME, than anyone else. By nearly every empirical measurement: terrorism is up, al qaeda stronger than ever, america hated more than ever, our army broke and overextended.
We just have to be good about making sure people know about all this stuff that's not well publicized. These executive orders are usually issued late on Fridays after the press deadlines in most cities, so by Sunday (the most widely read day) it's already old news and editors have other stuff that needs to fill the news hole. It sucks, but the powers that be know how to take advantage of the logistics of the media.

That doesn't get TV off the hook. A 24-hour station with opinion shows should be more than willing to pick up this shit and scream about it. Olberman does a lot of it, but who watches MSNBC? I'm a liberal and I don't even watch it.
Also, Sunday paper's news hole is scheduled out days in advance much of the time because of staffing shortages and the need to make sure there are enough stories to fill the pages without being strapped for copy on Saturday afternoon. So some of this stuff just gets cut by editors, who are by and large very conservative I should mention.
Also, Sunday paper's news hole is scheduled out days in advance much of the time because of staffing shortages and the need to make sure there are enough stories to fill the pages without being strapped for copy on Saturday afternoon. So some of this stuff just gets cut by editors, who are by and large very conservative I should mention.

Well then tough guy, do something to change it.

Its absolute relegation of their power to simply let logistics interfere with what's important.
Well then tough guy, do something to change it.

Its absolute relegation of their power to simply let logistics interfere with what's important.

Publishers tend to be conservative, and they tend to hire conservative editors. An underling like myself is hardly in a position to be making space budgeting decisions. I make suggestions often, but it falls on deaf ears. Newspapers are a commercial enterprise dealing with allegations of left-wing bias. That has an effect, unfortunately, since newspapers seem to intentionally avoid looking left wing (especially when its most warranted, it would appear).

You have any suggestions?

By the way, you have AIM?
Publishers tend to be conservative, and they tend to hire conservative editors. An underling like myself is hardly in a position to be making space budgeting decisions. I make suggestions often, but it falls on deaf ears. Newspapers are a commercial enterprise dealing with allegations of left-wing bias. That has an effect, unfortunately, since newspapers seem to intentionally avoid looking left wing (especially when its most warranted, it would appear).

You have any suggestions?

By the way, you have AIM?

I don't have AIM. I only communicate by western union. But I could get AIM I suppose.

Anyhow, how is the journalism thing working out for you? Still got the Miata and the hood?

And as for the left wing thing, I've realized that the media bias is not right or left wing, but rather corporatist and self serving.
I don't have AIM. I only communicate by western union. But I could get AIM I suppose.

Anyhow, how is the journalism thing working out for you? Still got the Miata and the hood?

And as for the left wing thing, I've realized that the media bias is not right or left wing, but rather corporatist and self serving.

You're one of the few who actually understand media bias on here. There are about seven biases that the media has and none of them are political - laziness is one of them. You can find them online. I think it was published in the Columbia Journalism Review at one point.

No Miata. It got stolen while I was working in Little Rock last year. I replaced it with a Jeep Wrangler. Check it out:

<link and images removed per request of owner>

She's got some issues from the rough treatment I give it off-roading, but she's a loyal and dependable friend. It's a little more manly than the Miata. And it's actually much more of a chick magnet, I've come to find out.

That's my new boat on top. Its fiberglass, so I had it lined with truck-bed liner to make it river worthy. Looks good doesn't it?
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I believe you meant "bIases." Get your head out of the gutter. I can only imagine what the fifth, sixth, and seventh bases are.

I was going to edit it but then,I thought editing is only for the beautiful people, that have Jeeps and shit.

Enlighten me. :D
I'm a little embarrassed to have conflated Al Franken's book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" with the Columbia Journalism Review, but I do find his viewpoint valid (having witnessed all of these first-hand to one degree or another).

(a summary of a speech he gave, the material for which he drew from his book - I know cause I have read it)

"Starts with the “myth of liberal media.” Something that the right has been repeating over and over again for the last forty years. There is a lot of bias in the media but it isn’t liberal. The mainstream media maybe has some biases in terms of politics but they are pack mentality biases (Gore is a serial exaggerator), but mainly what they have is a bias toward making money because they’re all owned by big corporations (profit centers). They also have biases that go toward making money: cheap and easy stories, so not much investigative journalism (get talking heads instead). Don’t do any of the kind of stuff that news corporations used to do. Laziness also a bias.

Most national news about conflict, negativity, sex. Very cheap to cover a horse race, process. Asking whether there’s a liberal/conservative bias is beside the point."

I dunno. He listed seven in the book.
to have taken, or to pose a significant risk of taking, actions, including acts of violence, that have the purpose or effect of undermining Lebanon's democratic processes or institutions, contributing to the breakdown of the rule of law in Lebanon, supporting the reassertion of Syrian control or otherwise contributing to Syrian interference in Lebanon, or infringing upon or undermining Lebanese sovereignty; "

Or poses a significant risk of taking...said action, whatever the action might be, it too is nebulous.

Reminds me of the constitutions of authoritarian nations.

The people shall have free speech

The people shall have freedom of religion

*note that the above does not apply if said speech or religion is deemed by the government not to be for the social good