Bush's Latest Executive Order

Reminds me of the constitutions of authoritarian nations.

The people shall have free speech

The people shall have freedom of religion

*note that the above does not apply if said speech or religion is deemed by the government not to be for the social good
It sounds like the way that the liberals want to use the "common good" clause of the constitution without regard to the 10th Amendment limitations.

In this case it is a half-liberal social conservative incomprehensible oddball, but either way... It sounds the same.
It sounds like the way that the liberals want to use the "common good" clause of the constitution without regard to the 10th Amendment limitations.

In this case it is a half-liberal social conservative incomprehensible oddball, but either way... It sounds the same.

Yeah, I agree. The left mistakes this retard as some sort of radical conservative, when shit like this, shit that willingly intrudes on the 10th, 4th, and 2nd amendment comes right out of the left's playbook.
Publishers tend to be conservative, and they tend to hire conservative editors. An underling like myself is hardly in a position to be making space budgeting decisions. I make suggestions often, but it falls on deaf ears. Newspapers are a commercial enterprise dealing with allegations of left-wing bias. That has an effect, unfortunately, since newspapers seem to intentionally avoid looking left wing (especially when its most warranted, it would appear).

You have any suggestions?

By the way, you have AIM?

Eric Altermann has termed this "working the refs" and it has been extremely succesful.