Buy local/humanely treated meat

given the choice I like good fresh veggies better than meat.
Butt it is hard to beat a good hunk of seared decaying bovine flesh on the grill.
given the choice I like good fresh veggies better than meat.
Butt it is hard to beat a good hunk of seared decaying bovine flesh on the grill.

Got crappie season coming up, spring gardening with the fresh veggies, plenty of wild game stored up for the summer and, of course, steaks for the grill and roasts for the oven. I am still more carnivorous than vegetarian but definitely fit the bill of being an omnivour.
Yes lori I have a problem and I'm confessing it here.
I don't relate well with men who are more feminine than masculine.
Like you being clueless on sports, investments etc. I'll work on it.
a real man gets it.
Lori gets all feminazi on me and Dhula is as fustrated as all go get. Puts on her school marm dress and explains to me what a vegitarian is viens all popping in her neck.

Actually I was laughing. My veins only pop out when I’m talking to war supporters. The rest of this stuff I don’t take seriously. Certainly, I don’t take your gayboy rants seriously.