By Slow-Walking Trump's J6 Trial SCOTUS is Engaging in Election Interference

By delaying the J6 Trial, is SCOTUS Interfering with the Election?

  • Total voters
That is why James Madison went to great effort to avoid creating a democracy. He said in a democracy the majority always wins and government should not allow one group to impose its policies on others (Federalist #10).

Few nations elect their president by popular vote.

Out of 125 Democracies, 65 use the most votes to elect the president. We are not among them.
Yep, that's one of the reasons he's running for president, to make his crimes to away. The other reason is retribution against anyone who tried to bring him to justice or attacked his character. His ghost-writer, now critic for his "The Art of the Deal" book predicts he'll have to leave the country for his safety.
“For his safety” meaning to avoid prison? Complete financial loss?

His niece has different thoughts:
My Uncle Is a Deeply Insecure Fascist
The former president’s niece explained his enduring appeal despite his obvious fraud and failures.
“They identify not with Donald’s strength … but they identify with his weakness,” Trump said, arguing that his supporters know to some extent that he’s a fraud. In fact, they like that about him. “They identify with the fact that he gets away with everything.”

“To me, one of the biggest scams was this myth that Donald was this successful businessman … that he was a champion of the working man,” she said. “By the way, that’s not something he ever says. Somebody else made that up about him.”

Trump said that Donald’s portrayal in the media as a working-class hero is founded on a misunderstanding—he grew up privileged in Manhattan, after all—and that he then exploited it. “He just then flew his stupid private jet from rally to rally, and I guess that was enough to convince people that he really cared about them,” she said.

Yeah. The negative of high voter turnout is the intense feelings of the two sides against each other. We got JPP posters talking about civil war, I know guys who stock up on ammo and guns for when the war comes (against China or the bad Americans). Saw coming attractions at the movies on Friday and one is "Civil War."
Yeah. The negative of high voter turnout is the intense feelings of the two sides against each other. We got JPP posters talking about civil war, I know guys who stock up on ammo and guns for when the war comes (against China or the bad Americans). Saw coming attractions at the movies on Friday and one is "Civil War."
Clearly there are violent domestic terrorists and enemies of the Constitution whom Trump has encouraged enough to make them believe they are a majority. They aren’t. They’re loudmouthed chickenshits as proved by their actions, or lack there of, after 1/6.

Sure, they’ll use some patsies to commit mass murder of Americans, but there won’t be a civil war. Too many Americans are happy with the status quo to turn the US into Gaza.
IMO it's very disturbing that there is a large number of people who believe he did absolutely nothing wrong and that all these court cases, and the 91 felony indictments, are just "persecution" by the (D)s. Even more disturbing, however, is the fact that there are people who believe that the charges and verdicts are justified but will vote for him anyways.

Yep, those are the:

1. nihilist/"tear it all down people". They are hateful, unsuccessful people who blame government not working for them and see Trump as a sledgehammer to destroy all American institutions.

2. Evangelicals who know Trump is garbage but are confident he'll continue to appoint medieval strict constructionist judges who will do away with abortion, birth control, voting rights for the poor, and eventually the separation between church and state.
Here's why I think so. Many people polled votes will depend on trump's guilt or innocence vis av vis Jan 6th. By delaying the trial until after the election the maga justices are withholding a valuable piece of information from the American people.

Agree or disagree and why?

I think give polling to date, the harder the Left and Democrats go to using 'lawfare,' the more people will be inclined to vote for Trump on a sort of "Fuck you!" basis. That is, having the trial before hand will only aid Trump, not hurt him.
I think give polling to date, the harder the Left and Democrats go to using 'lawfare,' the more people will be inclined to vote for Trump on a sort of "Fuck you!" basis. That is, having the trial before hand will only aid Trump, not hurt him.

I think your prediction is based on your bias and hope dreams rather than hard data.

The poll, released Wednesday from Bloomberg and Morning Consult, found that 53 percent of voters in key swing states would refuse to vote for Trump if he were convicted of a criminal offense. A slightly higher share, 55 percent, say they would reach that conclusion if he were sentenced to prison.