Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
The main difference field biology studies seem to be showing is that altruism practiced among closely related individuals has a genetic benefit. An individual can ensure the transmission of it's alleles through sexual procreation, or by practicing this kind of kin-based altruism.
I am not sure there is an evolutionary mechanism or genetic benefit to the parable of the good Samaritan --> practicing mercy on complete strangers with no obvious benefits to one's self.
Agreed on the benefit of altruism. Consider the following link about Game Theory and altruism. Although it delves into a lot more math than I can follow it does say this:
Although we explicitly integrated kin selection and reciprocal altruism, with matrix model, we note that other mechanisms besides the synergistic conditions generated by kin selection and reciprocal altruism may influence the evolution of cooperation [34]. The introduction of spatial structure via nearest neighbor interactions, for instance, may act to cluster co-operators together [35], [36] promoting cooperation (analogous to non-random interactions, r). Such game theoretical models show a transition from models that consider well-mixed populations to spatial grids and complex networks [34]. The extension of these models to coevolutionary strategies, together with the main strategies (cooperate or defect), suggests that the networks themselves “evolve” or “adapt” [37]. In this way the probabilities of assortative interactions and/or familiarity with opponents may change as well and become potential behavioural or evolutionary strategies. Such contributions may help us understand social dilemmas more accurately and push theoretical underpinning to more realistic conditions [
Bottom line: I see logic in this behavior but nothing divine or supernatural.