Then put me on ignore and live in ignorance of your own stupidity, Jack.
It's easy to ignore you. You have nothing to say.

Then put me on ignore and live in ignorance of your own stupidity, Jack.
Marriage customs and property ownership vary by nation.
But you are dead wrong in claiming a moral order is just whatever the majority claims it is at any given time.
The Nazis tried to hide what they were doing to the Jews. Stalin hid what was happening in the Gulag. American slave owners downplayed or denied how badly many slaves were treated.
Because they knew in the back of their minds they were violating a natural moral order.
Every day of the week millions of people worldwide feel guilty for acts of lying, disloyalty, philandering, cheating because in the back of their mind they know they are violating a moral order that humanity at large adopts, by virtue of being human.
193 nations have all signed one or more parts of the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights."Marriage customs and property ownership vary by nation." But, but, but you said 'natural law' and 'transcendent code'. How could it be different???
"But you are dead wrong in claiming a moral order is just whatever the majority claims it is at any given time." But, but, but you just said things are different in different nations???
Agreed that's why he's pushing the genocide of Jews by the Nazis. He believes humans are purely animals and that we should live by "Might makes Right" on a daily basis.
$50 says he'd think different when someone comes to his room, beats the shit out of him and takes all of his stuff.
Another $50 says, at some point during the beating he'd start screaming "Dear God, please stop!" LOL
No atheists in foxholes, eh?![]()
Might makes right, eh, Jack?
193 nations have all signed one or more parts of the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an unequivocal recognition that there is a natural moral order which exists by simple virtue of our humanity. Including, but not limited to, equality, human dignity, human freedom, freedom of conscience, etc.
You don't have to be a Christian bible thumper to believe in some kind of natural moral order. 193 governments of the world recognized it.
Agreed on your take.In Jack's ethical philosophy, if a majority of Germans decide Jewish oppression is acceptable, or if a majority of Rwandan Hutu believe the murder of Tutsi is ethically acceptable, then that supercedes any previous established moral order.
It's easy to ignore you. You have nothing to say.![]()
In Jack's ethical philosophy, if a majority of Germans decide Jewish oppression is acceptable, or if a majority of Rwandan Hutu believe the murder of Tutsi is ethically acceptable, then that supercedes any previous established moral order.
Yet you can't help yourself.![]()
How long have you been an atheist, Jack? Does it have something to do with your Christian mother or atheist father?
Agreed on your take.
Notice how he dodged my question about being an atheist without morals. Jack is seeking to justify his actions using the same tactics as Trump, Putin and the Third Reich:
1. Claim all rules have been violated by the enemy.
2. Claim the only way to fight fire is with fire
3. Destroy enemy by any means necessary including violating traditional moral codes.
Jack is stating the Reality of Human Existence. Cypress is pretending there is a 'Higher Authority' at work.
"1. relating to a spiritual or nonphysical realm."
Your philosophy, unless you want to backtrack from it, is that when the Majority in a community decides to commit a acts of genocide, oppression, ethnic cleansing, is establishes a new moral standard which supercedes and previous moral orderI try/want to be a Realist.
'Moral Standard'. Something the Majority agrees upon. Nothing 'transcendental' about it.
You've got your work cut out for you in improving your reading comprehension. Moral philosophy is an immaterial, metaphysical part of the human condition.
Here is what you wrote:
Your philosophy, unless you want to backtrack from it, is that when the Majority in a community decides to commit a acts of genocide, oppression, ethnic cleansing, is establishes a new moral standard which supercedes and previous moral order
The 'Moral Code' of the community, is whatever the Majority decides upon.
Whether it's who marries whom, who gets killed for what, or ... which Day is the Holy Day.
Your 'Natural Law', or 'Transcendental Code' is just a nice sounding Slogan for what YOU think is the correct Order of Things.
What is YOUR 'Natural Law' on Polygamy?
What is YOUR 'Transcendental Code' on Land Ownership?
Tyranny of the majority!
Thanks for proving my point about your posts.![]()
Tyranny of the majority!
Agreed on your take.
Notice how he dodged my question about being an atheist without morals. Jack is seeking to justify his actions using the same tactics as Trump, Putin and the Third Reich:
1. Claim all rules have been violated by the enemy.
2. Claim the only way to fight fire is with fire
3. Destroy enemy by any means necessary including violating traditional moral codes.
I was always on Team Plato, not Team Protagoras.
Team Protagoras proclaimed that "man is the measure of all things". The majority can decide on a whim, or at any given time, what an acceptable moral standard is.
Team Plato believed that there is some kind of enduring standard of virtue we can gain knowledge of through our exercise of human reason.
The 'Moral Code' of the community, is whatever the Majority decides upon.
Whether it's who marries whom, who gets killed for what, or ... which Day is the Holy Day.
Your 'Natural Law', or 'Transcendental Code' is just a nice sounding Slogan for what YOU think is the correct Order of Things.
What is YOUR 'Natural Law' on Polygamy?
What is YOUR 'Transcendental Code' on Land Ownership?
Mirriam Webster Dictionary:
3: transcending the universe or material existence
4: universally applicable or significant