Why does the mail take so long? I am going to abolish mail once I'm in power. Without amphetamines, I am King of Nothing, just failing grades.
Yah, this is like an Oxy addict saying that Vicodin doesn't "do anything"... You've become used to the effect, so much so that you now need a bigger "fix" to get you going. If you really are dependent on amphetamines to function, you need some help not stronger amphetamines.
I don't recall ever talking to someone who relies on drugs to make them happy. What's it like?

It's amazing, my life is enhanced ten fold.

I take drugs that:

Make music sound awesome
Make food taste orgasmic
Make things funnier and more interesting.

I can taste sounds
The walls around me will expand out into an infinite void

I will be more sociable
Have more confidence
Generally not give a fuck
Be content
Oh btw, it's true, caffeine does fucking nothing. You become super tolerant of cafeinne after about a week. Considering I have shitloads of caffeine a day, I need it to get me to baseline. If I dont have a redbull or a coke or something, I will be crashing throughout the day.

p.s. my prior post is about how drugs are great, but I am not dependent on them, thought I would clear that up, lol.
Yah, this is like an Oxy addict saying that Vicodin doesn't "do anything"... You've become used to the effect, so much so that you now need a bigger "fix" to get you going. If you really are dependent on amphetamines to function, you need some help not stronger amphetamines.

or he needs a tolerance break ;)

Watermark is being tongue in cheek, he's prescribed his stuff fyi
Yah, this is like an Oxy addict saying that Vicodin doesn't "do anything"... You've become used to the effect, so much so that you now need a bigger "fix" to get you going. If you really are dependent on amphetamines to function, you need some help not stronger amphetamines.

OK, Damo, caffeine does actually do something. I was just poking fun at grind's thread about aspirin. Don't get so serious on me.

I definitely don't need stronger amphetamines, in fact, I think the dose I'm at is probably a little too strong as it is.
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nicotine is where it's at!..........

Nicotine makes me dizzy. Caffeine will sort of keep me up for a while but it makes me angry and depressed. Amphetamine obviously works better at fighting fatigue than either, and it doesn't effect my mood in a negative way like caffeine, but it makes me more impulsive. Sleep is better than all of them. On days when I haven't gotten enough sleep, though, I have a choice between amphs/caffeine and sleeping through my classes.
It's amazing, my life is enhanced ten fold.

I take drugs that:

Make music sound awesome
Make food taste orgasmic
Make things funnier and more interesting.

I can taste sounds
The walls around me will expand out into an infinite void

I will be more sociable
Have more confidence
Generally not give a fuck
Be content

What are you taking? PM me if you wish to keep it discreet.
Oh btw, it's true, caffeine does fucking nothing. You become super tolerant of cafeinne after about a week. Considering I have shitloads of caffeine a day, I need it to get me to baseline. If I dont have a redbull or a coke or something, I will be crashing throughout the day.

p.s. my prior post is about how drugs are great, but I am not dependent on them, thought I would clear that up, lol.

Have you tried grinding your coffee beans at home? I have a basic one like this.

Much better brew.
For true coffee drinkers, its always nice to have coffee to grind. I am not one, as I just drink espresso coffee, or the shitty stuff you receive at Church socials and other sorts of luncheons.