Classical Liberal
How do you stop Snowstorms, Hurricanes, or Earthquakes?
Carbon credits. Yeah, that's the ticket.
How do you stop Snowstorms, Hurricanes, or Earthquakes?
The Utilities are heavily regulated.....the blame for letting the utilities rot even as they charge some of the highest rates (maybe THE highest rates) in the country is all the fault of the states political leadership.
But notice how they take none of the blame, they say it is all the fault of the utilities and global warming.
Lying fucks is what they are, and the citizens let them get away with it so it will never improve.
One thing that could help CA is if members of the Sierra Club would all start getting struck by lightning. They've been lobbying Sacramento to oppose forest and vegetation management for years.
Hahahaha! To explained why I laughed I have a good buddy from school who's a very liberal dude and his wife works for the Mayor of Oakland and is even more liberal than him. The Sierra Club came out recently against the proposed new stadium for the Oakland A's. I asked my buddy (he's a big A's fan as well) how much pull the Sierra Club has. His response:
"My wife just informed me that nobody at the city gives a f*ck about the Sierra Club. Bunch of granola tree huggers. Cowards. Bums."
I mean this is coming from a real liberal. LOL. I was dying when he texted that to me.
I am not a member of the Sierra club, but hike w/ them & know many that are...
They have done much good.... You sir should be thankful, if for nothing else but your lovely stays up in the forests of Tahoe...... The streams you see going up & the critters your kids can find & see along the way......
That said, perhaps it could be argued they have done to good of a job....
There are some goals I adamantly oppose..
Like the anti-logging, I guess one could blame much of the problem w/ forest fires squarely on their door step......
Many are also opposed to controlled burns-insanity appearing to be ignorance-they should know better..........
Many prefer a "pristine environment" but are totally clueless to what that means or entails......
A few days ago in Colorado over 100,000 acres burned in just one day..................WTF??? I can not even imagine that, & we have seen lots of fires over the last 15-20 years......
I honestly don’t pay much attention to the Sierra Club other than an instance like this when they cane out against the A’s new stadium. Fvxk them for that (my A’s fandom is strong).
But to have someone as left-wing as my friend say what he did was an eye opener.