Call It What It Is

I don't mind Happy Holidays either, but when people are forced to only say that instead of Merry Christmas, as has been said for 100's of years, I mind.

We had kids of Jewish faith that went to Catholic School with us. Their families celebrated Channukah and never batted an eye or took offense to "Merry Christmas".

Perhaps you should blame the likes of Coca Cola as every Christmas, in the UK at least, we get the same bloody advert. It is especially ironic as they were the ones who did much to foster the Father Christmas image in the public imagination in the first place.

Perhaps you should blame the likes of Coca Cola as every Christmas, in the UK at least, we get the same bloody advert. It is especially ironic as they were the ones who did much to foster the Father Christmas image in the public imagination in the first place.

YouTube- Coca-Cola X-mas Ad (Holidays are coming!)

I think you'll find they did more than just foster the image. They actually redesigned St Nicholas to look like a Coke bottle. It was a brilliant piece of marketing.
Isn't this Bill O'Reilly's made up controversy? I agree with you. Most people I know who say "Happy Holiday's" are refering to the holiday season. There's no anti-christian intent there.

Yeah. Bill O'Reilly is an advocate of Merry Christmas, but wtf does that have to do with this? What is it about you Libby's that try and tie every conservative's thoughts and core values to Fox News?

Fox News sure works over time in your minds way more than any conservative I know. No wonder they're the hands down leader.

The sheer stupidity of comments like these never cease to amaze me.

One thing's for sure. I double dog dare you and all your masterful debating skills (ahem) to broach this subject with Bill O'Reilly.

Two seconds flat and you would have your ass handed to you
true...but the memo was just a memo.....

and it was meant as an educational reference to anyone who is put in the situation the memo discusses.....

Yeah you're the expert. Go set someone else up. I don't get paid to know the difference between the "Memo", "Summary Judgement", "Brief", etc.

I know certain people have been told they cannot say Merry Christmas.

I see what all the lawyering up has done to our country.
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Yeah you're the expert. Go set someone else up. I don't get paid to know the difference between the "Memo", "Summary Judgement", "Brief", etc.

I know certain people have been told they cannot say Merry Christmas.

I see what all the lawyering up has done to our country.


did you even read the memo? i wasn't playing expert, i pointed to an organization who wrote what i consider a very sound legal argument....

do you have something against the memo? shit, all i was trying to do is help those who have been told they cannot say merry christmas and you shit on my parade.....

did you even read the memo? i wasn't playing expert, i pointed to an organization who wrote what i consider a very sound legal argument....

do you have something against the memo? shit, all i was trying to do is help those who have been told they cannot say merry christmas and you shit on my parade.....

Yeah....your seriousness...was evident...

I read the memo...twice even...

does this strike you as sarcastic...? :eek:
Some businesses have told their employees to say "Happy Holidays" because they want to include all celebrations of all holidays.

Its not about the employees beliefs, its about the beliefs of the customers.

In recent years there have been more and more people embracing more different beliefs and holidays.

How can it possibly be so bad to include everyone in a greeting? The business has one goal, and that is to maximize profits. The employee is part of their assets to do that. By offering a greeting that only recognizes a single religious belief, and excluding all others, you run the risk of excluding paying customers. No matter how dominant the single faith may be, there are others out there as well.

I celebrate christmas. It is a holiday. If someone tells me "Happy Holidays", it is wishing me happiness and a good holiday, regardless of which one I celebrate.

No one has said anyone has to say things a certain way on their own time.
So what store does your daughter manage?

Care to maybe back up your third-hand anecdotal evidence with some facts that can be verified for once?

I won't hold my breath waiting...

Just like everyone already knew...

Not a shred of evidence to back up disloyal's crazy allegation...
The problem isn't that there is anything wrong with "Happy Holidays" it is that PC assholes have made saying Merry Christmas anathema...

December 25th IS Christmas...people have been saying Merry Christmas for a few centuries now.

BTW the word "holiday" is derived from the word "holy day".

Politically correct people are moronic enough to not be able to conceptualize the meaning of the breakdown of the word "holiday" into "holy day" when it is said aloud, which is why in their utter stupidity, they favor it. Even they aren't so cretinous as to misinderstand "Christmas" when it is said aloud, which naturally vexes them a great deal. Thus, the void within their heads demands the satisfaction of "holiday."
Politically correct people are moronic enough to not be able to conceptualize the meaning of the breakdown of the word "holiday" into "holy day" when it is said aloud, which is why in their utter stupidity, they favor it. Even they aren't so cretinous as to misinderstand "Christmas" when it is said aloud, which naturally vexes them a great deal. Thus, the void within their heads demands the satisfaction of "holiday."

Quite a good point.
Politically correct people are moronic enough to not be able to conceptualize the meaning of the breakdown of the word "holiday" into "holy day" when it is said aloud, which is why in their utter stupidity, they favor it. Even they aren't so cretinous as to misinderstand "Christmas" when it is said aloud, which naturally vexes them a great deal. Thus, the void within their heads demands the satisfaction of "holiday."

Let me be the first to wish everyone a
and you can have a
I'll even throw in a
and a
I couldn't care less about your troubles with Christmas in the UK.

Another whine from Northern California, made with sour grapes which hasn't been allowed to ferment for long enough resulting in a tartish, brut finish. Maybe it should be laid down for several years in a dark cellar to allow it to mellow and develop more complex flavours.