Yakamutt may be the biggest trumpworshipping hipocrit on JPP. And that says a lot.
Says the moron voting for the lying racist imbecile biden.
The whole Conspiracy Theory type of outrage over Police Racism and Brutality is a complete Paranoid Delusion perpetrated by Liberal/Media/Politicians. Liberal/Media/Politicians are perverting young Black Minds into believing that there is no hope for them because of the Racism that is all around them. They also make young Black Minds fear the Police by telling them that they can be killed just by walking down the street by some Racist Cop. They go further and imply that if you are detained by the Police that you must try to resist and escape because they are surely going to kill you. Then of course Black People that believe these Depraved lies will try to resist and evade the Cops, and then of course some will end up shot and killed. The Liberal/Media/Politicians are directly responsible for the Corrupt Brainwashing they have infected Black communities with. The overall effect of these Liberal/Media/Politician lies is that they have tried to make Black People feel as bad as they possibly can. This is good for Democratic votes.
Here is a quote from a typical Liberal Race Baiter:
"Maybe if police stop shooting young black men in the street or black women in their beds, much less kneeling on a man’s neck while he begs for his mother, we might have less riots".
Here is my reply to him:
You are in effect saying that the Police are, Without Cause, shooting Black Men in the streets. You make it sound like some kind of sport. You know there are reasons that the Police shoot anyone, but you ignore the reasons and just announce the outcome as if there was no reason for the Police to shoot anyone. Then you say that they kill Black Women in their beds as if this happens all the time. Of course, you don't mention that the Police were fired on first. Everybody knows this was a completely botched Police operation. It is clear that Race had nothing to do with it. When you Race Bait the issue you are sinking to the lowest low of Depravity and Corruption that is at the heart of the Liberal/Media/Politician problem. Do you even know that "Kneeling on the Neck" like that was a standard Police technique in that city? Do you know that the technique was applied over 400 times to Black and White offenders since 2012? This is probably a bad Police technique now, since someone has died from it. But it was certainly not a Racist act by the Police. You incite hatred for the Police by making it a Racist act. You are down in the gutter with the worst Race Baiting Liberal/Media/Politicians.
This is an example of the sewage that Liberal/Media/Commentators/Politicians spew out every day. When you talk about Police that way I can think of three reasons. You are either completely Corrupted by the Liberal/Media/Politicians, you are a Depraved liar just trying to cause trouble in the cities, or you are simply having Paranoid Delusions about the Police.
The people that have been getting shot and killed are criminals who try to fight with the Police. In fact quite a few of these criminals go completely berserk, depending on which drugs they are on. The Liberal/Media/Politicians should be telling the criminals that they should stop resisting arrest. It’s so simple. Why do they instead try to amplify the myths about Police Racism and Brutality? They purposely scare these people (criminals watch the Liberal/Media and listen to the Liberal Politicians too) into resisting arrest, making them think they will be killed if they don’t get away. Then when they do resist and fight with the Police, some of them get shot and killed. The Liberal/Media/Politicians seem to incite Resisting and Fighting with the Police and could be directly responsible for these deaths. Why do they do this?
The whole Conspiracy Theory type of outrage over Police Racism and Brutality is a complete Paranoid Delusion perpetrated by Liberal/Media/Politicians. Liberal/Media/Politicians are perverting young Black Minds into believing that there is no hope for them because of the Racism that is all around them. They also make young Black Minds fear the Police by telling them that they can be killed just by walking down the street by some Racist Cop. They go further and imply that if you are detained by the Police that you must try to resist and escape because they are surely going to kill you. Then of course Black People that believe these Depraved lies will try to resist and evade the Cops, and then of course some will end up shot and killed. The Liberal/Media/Politicians are directly responsible for the Corrupt Brainwashing they have infected Black communities with. The overall effect of these Liberal/Media/Politician lies is that they have tried to make Black People feel as bad as they possibly can. This is good for Democratic votes.
A conspiracy absolutely proven by cell phones if bystanders. Cops have brutalized and killed minorities for decades. Between cop cameras and cell phones, the undeniable proof is known.
That's pretty sad that you think all Leftists are racists. You must spend much of your life screaming about racism.
*Calling All Liberal Race Baiters
Here is a quote from a typical Liberal Race Baiter:
"Maybe if police stop shooting young black men in the street or black women in their beds, much less kneeling on a man’s neck while he begs for his mother, we might have less riots".
The quote is ENTIRELY correct. All 3 were instances of unnecessary police brutality that spawned riots. All 3 were totally unnecessary.
ONLY a "tRumploving, race-baiting racist would believe otherwise.
The people that have been getting shot and killed are criminals who try to fight with the Police.
You presented this as an Example on a thread about Race Baiting. Was this a Racist Act? You are Race Baiting by suggesting that it was.
I didn't say anything about race. I posted this to show that the police clearly don't ONLY shoot criminals who resist.
Yes police are abusing and killing minorities because they want to. The FBI just released an intel report about the infiltration of White power types on police forces. They said it impacts police violence and racism.
So you believe that the Police are arbitrarily shooting criminals that are not resisting? You and I don't know the details of that situation to be making any proclamations about the intent or reason for the Police shooting.