Can a Jewish man get elected president?

Even if only 10% of Christians would not vote for him because he was Jewish alone that is a disastrous percentage in a national election.

Feingold would have to have a lot going for him to overcome that. Opposition to the war isn't enough.

But lets look at actual empirical data. Feingold is from a purple, heartland state. A state which elects both democrats and republicans. And his being a jew hasn't hurt him. I'd say Wisconsin is a good bellweather, for the "average" american state.

Now, Fiengold might get clobbered in the deep south. But, nearly any democrat would.
FYI was crusin channels and saw the current gov of TX on a religious talk show, they showed a clip of then Gov of TX Bush on the same show.....
But lets look at actual empirical data. Feingold is from a purple, heartland state. A state which elects both democrats and republicans. And his being a jew hasn't hurt him. I'd say Wisconsin is a good bellweather, for the "average" american state.

Now, Fiengold might get clobbered in the deep south. But, nearly any democrat would.

I tend to agree with you... The Christians who would not vote for a Jew, also would not vote for a Democrat!
There are always anomalies in states Cypress. My state of PA is represented by Rick Santorum. I can't think of anything more incongruous. However such incongruities rarely come out at the national level.

I think for some of you wishful thinking is coming into play. It's not going to happen in this decade.

The next generation may have a non Chirstian white male for president. I don't see it happening soon.
Let me ask you guys something. You assume anyone who wouldn't vote for a Jew votes Republican. Would you say the same thing about a Muslim?
Let me ask you guys something. You assume anyone who wouldn't vote for a Jew votes Republican. Would you say the same thing about a Muslim?

Some prejudiced democrats may not vote for a jew, simply because he's a jew.

For the most part, however, the people I see on TV and in public demanding the establishment of a christian nation, and basing their votes on "christian values" are the GOP base.
Let me ask you guys something. You assume anyone who wouldn't vote for a Jew votes Republican. Would you say the same thing about a Muslim?

Just review the threads on this board, and see which group - Con or Lib - is constantly saying Islam is an evil vile religion, needs to be nuked: my guess, is that you'll find its mostly Bush-fans and self-professed conservative republicans saying it. I think that speaks volumes.

That said, jews have been established for decades and decades in american life. Muslims are relatively new to mainstream american life. I don't think a muslim-american could win either a GOP or Dem nomination on a national ticket.
I am sure some Democrats would be prejudice against a Jew, but I think the VAST MAJORITY prejudiced against a Jew are Republicans!

I should correct that, its not so much they would be prejudice against the Jew... it would be that they belive that America, as a Christian nation, should only be led by Christians!
I was listening to NPR last week and they had a man on who was campaigning for Congress who was a Muslim. He campaigned in San Francisco. He was amazed at how often he was told by those he spoke with that they would not vote for a muslim under any circumstance. He asked them about their views and they seemed to be against the war and Bush but still would not vote for him because of being Muslim and this is San Francisco arguably the most liberal place in all of the United States.

Predjudice and bigotry find their home in the hearts of many Americans regardless of politics.
I am a Blue-dog Democrat. I don't like Feingold. I don't like Clinton. As far as Republicans go, I don't like McCain or Guliani. Why can't either party come up with a truely moderate candidate?
I was listening to NPR last week and they had a man on who was campaigning for Congress who was a Muslim. He campaigned in San Francisco. He was amazed at how often he was told by those he spoke with that they would not vote for a muslim under any circumstance. He asked them about their views and they seemed to be against the war and Bush but still would not vote for him because of being Muslim and this is San Francisco arguably the most liberal place in all of the United States.

Predjudice and bigotry find their home in the hearts of many Americans regardless of politics.

Indeed. Many americans are uncomfortable with muslims. Muslims have been sterotyped for decades, by Hollywood movies, the media, and public leaders.

Some good news, though: Minnesota just nominated the first muslim-american ever in the nation, to be their representative in Congress.
To those who think this is a Christian nation...

Would you vote for a Jewish person for President of the United States?
To those who think this is a Christian nation...

Would you vote for a Jewish person for President of the United States?

I don't for a minute believe this is a Christian nation but, as a Christian, yes, I would vote for a Jew if he/she was in alignment with my core societal beliefs.
I don't for a minute believe this is a Christian nation but, as a Christian, yes, I would vote for a Jew if he/she was in alignment with my core societal beliefs.

I would expect that from you, but see you understand that this is not a Christian nation. Many many Republicans do not understand this!
I don't for a minute believe this is a Christian nation but, as a Christian, yes, I would vote for a Jew if he/she was in alignment with my core societal beliefs.

I agree. Unfortunately I don't often get a choice of someone I really want and have to settle for the one closest to what I want.