Can anyone explain why everyone needs maternity coverage?

no i do not, nor mental health, nor a vasectomy. Cut it out * ok bad choice of words talking about vasectomys*, and let me buy the coverage I need.

You can buy what you want - see how this works?
Male American citizens shouldn't be entitled to any lower rates in their insurance plans than female American citizens. It's called fairness, and citizenship, concepts traitorous conservatives, who hate their country and fellow citizens, don't understand.
Male American citizens shouldn't be entitled to any lower rates in their insurance plans than female American citizens. It's called fairness, and citizenship, concepts traitorous conservatives, who hate their country and fellow citizens, don't understand.

I think this is true.

What additional care or medications or procedures or other health care options do women require that do not involve the participation of a male...who most likely is not paying for that or subject to that health issue?

For example, when do women EVER need birth control if a man is not involved? Is the man the one who must apply for it, pay for it, use it, take it, be fitted for it, have it prescribed? Except for condoms which are over the counter and anyone can purchase. (And btw, gay men still need those, while lesbians never do)

(aside from where the Pill is prescribed for women with bad menstrual cramps, but these days there are other things for that too so that's prescribed less for that)