Can anyone help me with this?

Pretty sure I just failed. There were some serious problems with my schema that I submitted.

Hey, if you don't succeed, don't give up. Try something else. I know it is hard, but I have hard failures in my life and sometimes I would let them really take me down. But I kept getting back up and now am doing well and very happy.

Don't let people like Troll influence your thinking or who you are.
You made the accustaion. Semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agi.

How do you expect me to prove you have never done something? Guess you never heard of shifting burdens.

lol, that is two spelling errors today.

You have to ask? If you want your opinions to merit serious consideration, why handicap them with childish errors that a spellchecker would catch?

That smacks of sloppy work, Counselor. Are you proud of sloppy, careless work?


Do you allow your office staff to ignore their mistakes with that excuse?

Why would you make a claim you can't prove?

Semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agi.

Guess you never heard of shifting the burden. If I make an accusation you must rebut it. If you don't, my accusation wins.

I notice you are so embarrassed by your spelling errors after correcting others that you had to delete it from my post.

Timid Troll.
I bet he claims his yes is his proof.

But that doesn't answer the question before. I embarrassed him to finally answer a question. He never did before.
lol, I called that one.

I was right all along and forced him to finally answer a question.

What a dumbass. Ever means before not after teepee troll.