Can anyone take the time to explain to the retards known as the lgbt

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Can anyone take the time to explain to the retards known as the lgbt that inclusiveness has not anything to do with excluding 99 percent of the planet.

Thank you ;)



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
merry christmas, spetch!

all lgbtq stuff is about propping up the totalitarian notion that human nature isn't a thing. they want us to believe that everything about us is socially constructed, so they can feel good about all their bad ideas.

in the actual science of psychology, gender is the biggest predictor of other personality traits. they must obscure this fact.

human nature is a thing, and we can only fiddle with it marginally.
Can anyone take the time to explain to the retards known as the lgbt that inclusiveness has not anything to do with excluding 99 percent of the planet.

Thank you ;)



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

If you have issues with homosexuality,stop sucking cock
merry christmas, spetch!

all lgbtq stuff is about propping up the totalitarian notion that human nature isn't a thing. they want us to believe that everything about us is socially constructed, so they can feel good about all their bad ideas.

in the actual science of psychology, gender is the biggest predictor of other personality traits. they must obscure this fact.

human nature is a thing, and we can only fiddle with it marginally.

I know you're just a trolly boi, but I think Spetch actually is mentally ill.
The gays are simply acting as god made them. Mammals are complicated creatures with many chemicals and personal characteristics. Some people are born gay. Just mind your own damn business. They have no interest in you and do not want to take your rights away. They are human beings and should be allowed to live their lives as they were created. Quit crying about them. Ignore them and they will ignore you.
The gays are simply acting as god made them. Mammals are complicated creatures with many chemicals and personal characteristics. Some people are born gay. Just mind your own damn business. They have no interest in you and do not want to take your rights away. They are human beings and should be allowed to live their lives as they were created. Quit crying about them. Ignore them and they will ignore you.

so mate preference is not a social construct? and you agree all the crazies saying so are wrong?
no. these crazy things are ensconced in misguided and plain wrong academia.

I went to college in super liberal NYC and I never heard anyone say anything about how it's wrong to have dating preferences. To this day, I've never seen a single mainstream liberal figure make this argument. It's always some SJW cuck on Youtube with barely any subscribers.
I went to college in super liberal NYC and I never heard anyone say anything about how it's wrong to have dating preferences. To this day, I've never seen a single mainstream liberal figure make this argument. It's always some SJW cuck on Youtube with barely any subscribers.
The social construction of gender is a theory in feminism and sociology about the operation of gender and gender differences in societies. According to this view, society and culture create gender roles, and these roles are prescribed as ideal or appropriate behavior for a person of that specific gender.
I went to college in super liberal NYC and I never heard anyone say anything about how it's wrong to have dating preferences. To this day, I've never seen a single mainstream liberal figure make this argument. It's always some SJW cuck on Youtube with barely any subscribers.
The social construction of gender is a theory in feminism and sociology about the operation of gender and gender differences in societies. According to this view, society and culture create gender roles, and these roles are prescribed as ideal or appropriate behavior for a person of that specific gender.