Can Artificial Intelligence have free will?

Agreed on psychopaths. Not just them, but any human being with a mental disorder than renders them to compulsions or animalistic behavior. The problem for civilization is determining who is responsible for their actions and who isn't. The difference between a mental hospital and prison.

Regret indicates free will. Do animals regret? No.

Giving in to emotion when one is able to avoid it is, for some, a regrettable action. How many Trumpers on JPP regret voting for Trump and how many do not? Some have dementia or other mental disorders and cannot help themselves. Some can.

A human being doesn't have to speak the same language or speak at all to have free will. Observing their behavior is enough to determine if they are cognitively sound.

How does regret indicate free will?
How does regret indicate free will?

A person has to recognize what they did and make an conscience effort to alter their behavior in the future. Animals don't regret, they only react based upon their genetics and experiences. Humans on the lower end of the cognitive scale are like animals in the same way, but those on the higher end are able to rise above their basic natures.

Consider operant conditioning; it works well on animals but not always on humans, especially those on the higher end of the cognitive scale. This is why "brainwashing" has limited effect upon humans outside of a controlled environment. It's why cults seek to isolate their members and keep them inside a controlled environment. Without free will, people would simply react to their environment like rats in a Skinner box or cultmembers in a compound.
A person has to recognize what they did and make an conscience effort to alter their behavior in the future. Animals don't regret, they only react based upon their genetics and experiences. Humans on the lower end of the cognitive scale are like animals in the same way, but those on the higher end are able to rise above their basic natures.

If we have free will, as you are claiming, why would we ever act in a way that we would regret? The idea of free will is that we have the ability to reason and consider whether our actions are right/wrong, appropriate/inappropriate and are something, if done, we will regret later. Free will is supposed to separate us from other animals and our "animal" nature.

So, if you're on a diet, your free will, which gives you control over your decisions and therefore your actions, should allow you to walk past every tray of cookies, container of ice cream and bowl of candy, right?
If we have free will, as you are claiming, why would we ever act in a way that we would regret?

The idea of free will is that we have the ability to reason and consider whether our actions are right/wrong, appropriate/inappropriate and are something, if done, we will regret later.

Free will is supposed to separate us from other animals and our "animal" nature.

So, if you're on a diet, your free will, which gives you control over your decisions and therefore your actions, should allow you to walk past every tray of cookies, container of ice cream and bowl of candy, right?
Because human beings make mistakes, especially in the heat of the moment...which is where most regret comes from.

Agreed on reason. We sometimes make mistakes...especially when younger. Older, wiser people commit less actions that would cause them to regret. Why? They use experience and reason.

Free will does separate us from animals but we're still animals. Look at the videos of 1/6 or the Philly flash robbery last night. What reasonable, sane person would do either of those actions?

It depends upon how strong your will is. An animal would be pure zen; when hungry eat, when tired sleep. Name a single animal on the planet, except humans, who would go on a diet? Why the difference between dieters and the animals?
Because human beings make mistakes, especially in the heat of the moment...which is where most regret comes from.

Agreed on reason. We sometimes make mistakes...especially when younger. Older, wiser people commit less actions that would cause them to regret. Why? They use experience and reason.

Free will does separate us from animals but we're still animals. Look at the videos of 1/6 or the Philly flash robbery last night. What reasonable, sane person would do either of those actions?

It depends upon how strong your will is. An animal would be pure zen; when hungry eat, when tired sleep. Name a single animal on the planet, except humans, who would go on a diet? Why the difference between dieters and the animals?

Let's put aside times when you're under the influence of alcohol or some other chemical that impacts decision making. And for the sake of argument, let's put aside times when you're really mad....though I don't understand why being angry would circumvent your free will, but I'll go with it for now....

There are any number of other situations where we regret something we said , did or didn't do. Times when you had planned to start a project, but ended up sitting the couch watching football all day. You wanted to get up early for work, but hit the snooze button over and over. You're trying to save money, but buy something you didn't need.

Why if we have free will, would we ever NOT do exactly what we know we should do?
Not yet it can't. It took 3 questions before this current "AI" batch failed the Turing test and started repeating things because it was unable to think for itself and opine. Until it can do that, there can be no "free will" as it cannot have a will.
Let's put aside times when you're under the influence of alcohol or some other chemical that impacts decision making. And for the sake of argument, let's put aside times when you're really mad....though I don't understand why being angry would circumvent your free will, but I'll go with it for now.......
Awesome. LOL
Awesome. LOL

Since you're ignoring the rest of my post, we can discuss this portion.

The idea behind free will is that we have control over our thoughts, which allows us to suppress our animal instincts and reactions. We are above animals . We reason and are rational. We don't give in to animal instincts and reactions.

Why would anger change that? We have free will. We control our thoughts and, therefore, our actions. If that's true, then it's true regardless of emotion.
Since you're ignoring the rest of my post, we can discuss this portion.

The idea behind free will is that we have control over our thoughts, which allows us to suppress our animal instincts and reactions. We are above animals . We reason and are rational. We don't give in to animal instincts and reactions.

Why would anger change that? We have free will. We control our thoughts and, therefore, our actions. If that's true, then it's true regardless of emotion.
Yes, because you led with your strongest point; insults. I thought it was hilarious.

We can be. As you, the 1/6 nutjobs and the Philly Flash Mob Robbers have proved, not everyone can do it or does it all the time. Human beings are still animals but animals who are capable of much higher thinking and reasoning than any other animals on the planet. Again, not all are able as you are amply proving.

The fact you can't see how anger, especially hatred, blinds one to reason is very interesting to me, 'Mode, because it's indicated a mental blind spot in your thinking. You are free to believe anger and hatred help your thinking or that it has no effect. I disagree. Interesting to me is that you are looking more and more like your friends Perry and Sybil.
Not yet it can't. It took 3 questions before this current "AI" batch failed the Turing test and started repeating things because it was unable to think for itself and opine. Until it can do that, there can be no "free will" as it cannot have a will.

AI passed Turing test a long time ago. University students can hand in papers written by AI and undetected by professors.
Yes, because you led with your strongest point; insults. I thought it was hilarious.
What was the insult?
We can be. As you, the 1/6 nutjobs and the Philly Flash Mob Robbers have proved, not everyone can do it or does it all the time.
Those are extreme examples. I'm talking about non-dangerous, perfectly legal activities where we regret doing.
Human beings are still animals but animals who are capable of much higher thinking and reasoning than any other animals on the planet. Again, not all are able as you are amply proving.
I don't understand. We all have free will, right? Whether it's something highly illegal, like homicide, or something absolutely benign like cheating on your diet, there's no reason those things should happen, right? Free will says we control our thoughts and therefore our decisions and our eventual action or inaction. Free will means we don't allow our inner animal to determine actions.
The fact you can't see how anger, especially hatred, blinds one to reason is very interesting to me, 'Mode, because it's indicated a mental blind spot in your thinking. You are free to believe anger and hatred help your thinking or that it has no effect. I disagree. Interesting to me is that you are looking more and more like your friends Perry and Sybil.
Action based on anger shouldn't happen if we have free will because we would use our free will to not allow anger to impact us. Same should be true with actions based on other elevated emotional state. How many teenagers get caught up in the moment and have a physical interaction that they later regret... sometimes it's simple regret about doing something with someone they didn't really know OR regret due to a pregnancy. Free will, which is supposed to give us control over our thoughts/actions should mean these things never happen.
What was the insult?

Those are extreme examples. I'm talking about non-dangerous, perfectly legal activities where we regret doing. I don't understand. We all have free will, right? Whether it's something highly illegal, like homicide, or something absolutely benign like cheating on your diet, there's no reason those things should happen, right? Free will says we control our thoughts and therefore our decisions and our eventual action or inaction. Free will means we don't allow our inner animal to determine actions.

Action based on anger shouldn't happen if we have free will because we would use our free will to not allow anger to impact us. Same should be true with actions based on other elevated emotional state. How many teenagers get caught up in the moment and have a physical interaction that they later regret... sometimes it's simple regret about doing something with someone they didn't really know OR regret due to a pregnancy. Free will, which is supposed to give us control over our thoughts/actions should mean these things never happen.
See? You're more and more like Perry and Sybil every day, 'Mode.

Don't worry about it, 'Mode. Obviously, you are unable to understand what having choices and having regrets means.
See? You're more and more like Perry and Sybil every day, 'Mode.

Don't worry about it, 'Mode. Obviously, you are unable to understand what having choices and having regrets means.

I absolutely understand choices and regret. With free will, man has complete control over choices and should never experience regret, because only the desired choice is made.... because, you know, we have free will to only make the choice we know we should make.
I absolutely understand choices and regret.

With free will, man has complete control over choices and should never experience regret, because only the desired choice is made.... because, you know, we have free will to only make the choice we know we should make.

You're the only one claiming that.