Can Humanism Save Us?

You want humanity to thrive? Then we should be singularly focused on becoming the 'cockroaches' of the universe. That is, humanity finds a way to spread itself across the galaxy and does so.
"I think free-thinking — to rely on your own reason, on evidence, on how things appear to you, rather than accepting things on the basis of an authority, whether it's a religious authority or a political authority. It's not necessarily that we're talking here about the kind of radical skepticism that leads to questioning everything, because if that unmoors from reason and evidence, then that's where you end up thinking that the Earth is flat. But it is getting at not believing something simply because you've been told to believe it."

Nothing is going to save mankind atvthe end of this age of man.
Better luck next time.
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does that explain lib'ruls?........

Hey! I just read the most hilarious joke! Let me tell you:

Jesus said: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;" (Matthew 5:44)

That's hilarious, isn't it? LOLOLOLOL.

What a joke.
"The Socialist man is an atheist man, free of the religious chains that had helped to bind him to class oppression. " - Josef Stalin - democrat leader and spiritual mentor of the democrat party.
"I think free-thinking — to rely on your own reason, on evidence, on how things appear to you, rather than accepting things on the basis of an authority, whether it's a religious authority or a political authority. It's not necessarily that we're talking here about the kind of radical skepticism that leads to questioning everything, because if that unmoors from reason and evidence, then that's where you end up thinking that the Earth is flat. But it is getting at not believing something simply because you've been told to believe it."


Every thought you have is programmed into you by your Reich. You have no ability to think or reason, party alone defines you. The Authority of the democrat Reich dictates your entire being.
You are by far the dumbest person on the forum.

What a poignant retort - I didn't think a mindless drone like you could author such brilliance...


Standard Disclaimer: You and Truthy really do define what I view as the average intelligence of fascist democrats... is too late to avoid this dark age....which will last a long time....likely measured in hundreds of years if we dont kill the planet with nuclear war before then....which is likely.

Life for you wouldn't be so dark, and it wouldn't stink so much for you- IF YOU WOULD JUST PULL YOUR HEAD OUT YOUR ASS! [Geeko Sportivo]

And as always, you may quote me on that!
Banning you from now on.

Life for you wouldn't be so dark, and it wouldn't stink so much for you- IF YOU WOULD JUST PULL YOUR HEAD OUT YOUR ASS! [Geeko Sportivo]

And as always, you may quote me on that!

Then he could be like you? A pathological liar who mindlessly bleats the mantras of the fascist democrat party?