Can materialism explain human experience?

They feel and believe that physical facts have unlimited explanatory power.
You should learn what facts are. I don't believe you ever attended any college.

I see that you have resorted to inventing slurs for imaginary groups so you at least have someone you can attack with your feeble lack of education. Why don't you attack "scientists"? Try calling engineers "stupid."

A blind person can become a world expert on the physics of optics, the wavelengths, frequency, and energy of visible light. But they will never have the knowledge of what Red looks like.
Do you have any examples of people who were completely blind from birth becoming world authorities in optics? Can you give me just two or three names? That would be great.

By the way, "A blind person" is singular and "they" is plural. You can't use "they" with a singular antecedent. I think you dropped out of high school long before English composition became one of your required courses.
These issues can be very problematic if we're really intent on working them out.
Some people thrive on endeavors like that.
I'm happy for them finding meaning for their lives.

Others just go with what seems most plausible at a quick glance
without doing a lot of stressing over it.

There's absolutely no consequence for taking the easier approach.

That's something perhaps worth remembering
if you find yourself stressed.

If not, though, keep that curiosity rolling.