Can there be a proof of God?

If there were a proof of God, then you would no longer truly have free will. With God's existence proved, you either comply with God's commandments--God is usually considered omnipotent--or you are punished accordingly. For example, if God is proven and has stated "Obey my commandments or I will strike you dead..." then you really don't get much choice--other than one time--to disobey.

Why is free will important?
when have we tried to make faith the law of the land.......just because we object to letting your ignorance being the law of land?......

For one thing, your immoral misogynist views are being imposed as the law of the land.
Fundamentalist Christian Republicans are almost without exception malignant tumors on the population when they become politically active.
I cannot express the profundity of my disrespect for them in mere language.
If there were a proof of God, then you would no longer truly have free will.

With God's existence proved, you either comply with God's commandments--God is usually considered omnipotent--or you are punished accordingly. For example, if God is proven and has stated "Obey my commandments or I will strike you dead..." then you really don't get much choice--other than one time--to disobey.

That is really bad theology.
According to mainstream Christian theology going all the way back to Augustine, free will was given to humans by God. Supposedly, free will is why there is sin and corruption in the world, because humans are free to choose.
That is really bad theology.
According to mainstream Christian theology going all the way back to Augustine, free will was given to humans by God. Supposedly, free will is why there is sin and corruption in the world, because humans are free to choose.

Free will is bad theology.
People usually conflate the word proof with the word evidence.

Outside of the axioms of Euclidean geometry, nothing in human experience is proven. And even Euclidean proofs are open to debate.

Science doesn't prove anything. Science is probabalistic, and based on empircal evidence. The Big Bang has not been proven, nor has the Mendelian synthesis on evolution. We can have extremely high confidence in scientific theories, but they are always provisional and subject to modification or change.

There is no empircal evidence of God, and no one of any importance has even tried to offer a deductive proof of God since Descartes in the 17th century.
If you have pain it does not prove to me that you have pain.

What an interesting confession. A complete lack of empathy with strong does of Solipsism. You believe only you exist, only your pain matters.

No one can change your mind, only you can do so.
