I have my doubts that much or even most of the idiotic shit he promised will ever happen.YEP the POS will die in office leaving us with Vance and that will be a REAL shit show,' Trump is going to be bad this time and When Vance takes over it is going to be even worse .
The MAGAS got what they wanted and when it comes back and bites those ASSHOLES in the ass I don't want to hear them cry about it. They voted for it and got it then don't cry about it when everything goes to shit.
I am waiting for them to start crying about the price of things going up 20/ 30/40 /200% after their Orange GOD puts his tariffs in place.
They voted for all this BS so when the shit hits the fan they have NO reason to cry.
They got what they wanted so suffer along with the rest of us and it isn't going to be pretty , HANG on to your ass the shit hasn't even started YET and when it does you ASSHOLE MAGAs don't have a reason to cry about it at all.
I think it's fairly apparent that the only reason he ran again was to keep his ass out of prison.
And of course, he knew that the most sure fire way to accomplish that was to promise the idiots anything and everything. Once he takes office, there will be no reason for him to keep or even worry about keeping any of the promises he made. He'll be safe from the jailer for another four years and at the end of it, he'll probably be too old and feeble to be put in jail anyway.