Can We All Agree...

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
...That the terms "surrender" and "sweet surrender" and other similar uses are way overused in music and artists need to drop these lyrics from their lexicons or else be laughed off the stage?!!? Its gotten so retarded!
I honestly can't remember listening to a song last time that had surrender or sweet surrender in it's lyrics. Probably has something to do with my good taste in music, as compared to you.


I think Three may be on to something here.
Dude, get a life!

Hey, its off topic, and it beats the hell out of putting a nutri grain bar in the toaster and then discussing it here... Music is art, and art is culture, so it does have intellectual merit. Also, a classic rock song doesn't count, because its more original, and I'm ranting about overuse of the terms.
threed, you are in need of a GF even moreso than waterturd.
Wouldn't a GF get in the way of their game of Dungeons and Dragons?

Besides, didn't his mommy warn him about girls?

She also told him, "Stay away, you'll never know what you'll catch."
Just the other day she heard a soldier falling off.
Some Indonesian junk that's going round.
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...That the terms "surrender" and "sweet surrender" and other similar uses are way overused in music and artists need to drop these lyrics from their lexicons or else be laughed off the stage?!!? Its gotten so retarded!

NO! Some of us do not give a rats ass about such trivial matters.
Obsessing over sports is a male right of passage.
Look at mottley's blind loyalty to Ohio SLOW university
They lost 37-6 to florida state in baseball. This was due to them having their running backs as outfielders.
Which baseball team?

The Mariners. And you've gotta be a true fan to keep showing up to see those guys lose and disappoint...
