Can We Risk a Biden Presidency?

Excuse me, but you highly-educated nit-wits obviously know little about religious dogma. In the middle east, and Africa, where Obama is from, people who practice the Muslim faith are largely born into the faith. They don't really 'choose' to be Muslim, they simply ARE. Just as a Jewish person is a Jew, an Islamic person is Muslim. If we had a candidate running for president, who's last name was Weinberg or Goldstein, and his family genealogy revealed he was from a Jewish family, yet he claimed to not be Jewish, would you just accept that? I highly doubt it.

Couple this with the fact that Obama has publicly denounced his association with the Christian pastor who supposedly brought him to Christianity, and what are we to make of it? He's not Muslim, he is a Christian who denies the beliefs of his pastor? I think it's a really weak argument that he is not a full-fledged card-carrying Muslim. Now, that in of itself is not a problem, I can accept a Muslim man running for president, but I have a hard time with a man who's lying about his not being Muslim, running for the presidency. He's obviously not going to admit that he is a Muslim, and you idiots are going to stand behind him no matter what lies he tells, and you're going to castigate me and anyone else who brings this relative question to the table, but I really don't care. America deserves the truth about Obama.

Bump for context sake.
JESUS KATY CHRIST! We just survived the worst President in modern history who's made one fuck up after the other, gotten bogged down in an immoral war and has devastated our economy by being asleep at the wheel and some wing nut extremist is concerned about Biden being President?

Well hell I aint losing no sleep over that! I'm a hell of a lot more worried about what additional fuck ups Bush can make before he's gone!

If you recall, I was telling everyone that Bush was the worst president in my lifetime 7 1/2 years ago. What took so many others to realize this is truly sad.

Hopefully, all those that voted for Bush, especially those that voted for him twice, will just stay home and not vote ever again. Politics is not their forte! Perhaps they should pick up knitting as a hobby?

As Bush would say: Fool me once ...........................................................
........................................................................................................ummm ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... shame on you? ...................................................................................
shame on me? ...................................................................................
ummm .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
what I'm trying to say is..... you can't fool me again. :cof1:
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