Can you guess who this criminal worked for?

I don't see any serious charges on that sheet. There is criminal sexual misconduct---but that could be taking a pee out doors. Now I know a lot of you libs make peeing on your partner a sexual act, but when I take a piss---sex is not on my mind. So--this "cimiinal" has a few probation violation charges (he probably smoked a duby to begin with)---and all this jail time made him a better person I guess. I bet most of the libs here (most seem to be gay) have done a little criminal sexual misconduct them selfs. Come on freekies---don't lie---who did you try to molest---besides the American tax payer.

Have you ever seen Congresses rap sheet? It is much worse than many rap sheets of local jails--they have victims. Notice this kids rap sheet does not from how it is defined there.

You damn liberials just supported my point. You jerks hold non violent kids down and could care less how they turn out.---Romney gave him a job to help make him productive.

He's been held in relation to the killing of a kid.

If you actually go to jail for a sexual offense, it's one of the more serious ones.

after reviewing the links posted and the sex offender registry...the guy is a loser/sicko for sure albeit he was assigned 'Low Risk' he did have several probation violations related..and was questioned in the death of the 7 month old infant in a house he was staying with a family and the mother of the infant being 16!

The only problem I have with desh posting this is she is selective and makes it appear as if only the GOP has this problem...I am quite sure if desh wanted to be 'Fair and Equitable' she could find just as many of this type of story on the other side of the aisle! End of partisan story telling!