Can You Live Long and Prosper?


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Here's a scary thought: Saving for retirement is the easy part. Making your money last 30 or 40 years after you stop working--now that's a neat trick to pull off.

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A couple out of about 10,000 wil be able to afford to live long and prosper. The rest will struggle on or die after their savings are eaten up with health care costs.
That's because only a couple out of 10,000 truly understand planning for a futrue. I have seen somebody I believed to be truly poor outdo me, I know it was because of the choices I had made and not becuase of the money I did....

I will never make that mistake again and I will easily be able to live long and prosper.
That's because only a couple out of 10,000 truly understand planning for a futrue. I have seen somebody I believed to be truly poor outdo me, I know it was because of the choices I had made and not becuase of the money I did....

I will never make that mistake again and I will easily be able to live long and prosper.
If only one or two out of 10,000 are retiring with some security then there's something wrong with the system. Pointing a finger at the victims is just emotional masturbation.

Now, I happen to believe that the number is quite a bit better than 1 in 5,000. I think it's probably more like one in ten or twenty. That's still unacceptably low, in my book, however.
If only one or two out of 10,000 are retiring with some security then there's something wrong with the system. Pointing a finger at the victims is just emotional masturbation.

Now, I happen to believe that the number is quite a bit better than 1 in 5,000. I think it's probably more like one in ten or twenty. That's still unacceptably low, in my book, however.
Education is the answer.

Pointing a finger at the truth in an attempt to call it "masturbation" is simply emotional "masturbation". Fricking Social Security has fooled people into thinking their retirement is "taken care of"!

People need to resume responsibility toward themselves and their families, they need to be taught how. They need to truly understand economics, not placate with "supply and demand'...
who would want to?? i mean when you get old you forget stuff and your body gives out... i mean its bad enough to live when everything is functioning....
then you need the V and you cant err you know, then you can't see, or hear, and you got a cane and then you can't drive, then you have to depend on your kids, who don't want you around b/c they have their own stuff to do then you become a burden... and then your family is praying for you to bite it so you'll be put out of your misery.
Education is the answer.

Pointing a finger at the truth in an attempt to call it "masturbation" is simply emotional "masturbation". Fricking Social Security has fooled people into thinking their retirement is "taken care of"!

People need to resume responsibility toward themselves and their families, they need to be taught how. They need to truly understand economics, not placate with "supply and demand'...
In what way is education the answer? If a majority of the populace graduated college with a bachelor's degree, the monetary value of such a degree would plummet.

You assume that people are not providing adequately for their retirements because they don't know how. That's a drastic assumption and one I won't stipulate.

We don't need to encourage people to take more responsibility for themselves: that's just a myth, convenient to generate emotional support for a family of ideologies. Modern life is stressful enough as it is. Besides, there's no good evidence that there's any deficiency in that regard in the first place.
then you need the V and you cant err you know, then you can't see, or hear, and you got a cane and then you can't drive, then you have to depend on your kids, who don't want you around b/c they have their own stuff to do then you become a burden... and then your family is praying for you to bite it so you'll be put out of your misery.
I have a living will Rob. If I become a function vegetable they have to let me die. If it is gradual the end will come when life becomes not worth living.
In what way is education the answer? If a majority of the populace graduated college with a bachelor's degree, the monetary value of such a degree would plummet.

You assume that people are not providing adequately for their retirements because they don't know how. That's a drastic assumption and one I won't stipulate.

We don't need to encourage people to take more responsibility for themselves: that's just a myth, convenient to generate emotional support for a family of ideologies. Modern life is stressful enough as it is. Besides, there's no good evidence that there's any deficiency in that regard in the first place.
Educate on realistic economics classes while in HS. Deliberately misinterpreting this to mean everybody needs a Bachelor's degree? Where did I say that? Strawman!

It is one that I stipulate because of the people I know and educate on the subject. Most people do not know how to properly provide for their retirement.

It is not a myth. People expect to be taken care of by the SS system. All one needs is the evidence of their eyes. It is a pretense to suggest otherwise...

Once again, people need to expect the necessity to save rather than expect SS to take care of them. And I also stated that I believe that their families need to be more of a safety-net (conveniently ignored so you could massage your idea that I am some ideologue)...
Education is the answer.

Pointing a finger at the truth in an attempt to call it "masturbation" is simply emotional "masturbation". Fricking Social Security has fooled people into thinking their retirement is "taken care of"!

People need to resume responsibility toward themselves and their families, they need to be taught how. They need to truly understand economics, not placate with "supply and demand'...

GAASP! What an anti capitalistic atitude. If people became proper in their spending and savings habits the economy would crash and the result would be the same.
Now haw many will have enough to livwe 30 years or so after retirement. Most have enough for 5-10 years or so. the thread stipulated a far longer time than 5-10 years.
Educate on realistic economics classes while in HS. Deliberately misinterpreting this to mean everybody needs a Bachelor's degree? Where did I say that? Strawman!

It is one that I stipulate because of the people I know and educate on the subject. Most people do not know how to properly provide for their retirement.

It is not a myth. People expect to be taken care of by the SS system. All one needs is the evidence of their eyes. It is a pretense to suggest otherwise...

Once again, people need to expect the necessity to save rather than expect SS to take care of them. And I also stated that I believe that their families need to be more of a safety-net (conveniently ignored so you could massage your idea that I am some ideologue)...
LOL! Not you per se, but you do adhere to an ideology that incorporates what I would call an inhumane -- and impractical -- standard of "personal responsibility."

No, it is not a pretense to suggest otherwise. It is my honest opinion, based on my own experience, I freely admit. It's also based on my understanding of anthropological and sociological principles, however.

To clarify, I don't believe we have any policy imperative to "encourage" personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is not something most people avoid by nature.
No, it is something they avoid when they have an expectation that it is already taken care of... *sigh*. Limiting my comment to only, "personal repsonsibility" is a false limitation. It is specifically surrounded by this subject.

Yes, I would prefer people to take more personal responsibility in all of life as well, but particularly it is needed in this area. Social Security will probably be there when I retire, but it will be mostly worthless. The idea that most people properly are preparing for their retirement is fallacious and directly flies into the face of this thread. Stating that they take responsibility to save what is necessary is also directly against the evidence of the original statements of the Thread.
Ornot LOL

n what way is education the answer? If a majority of the populace graduated college with a bachelor's degree, the monetary value of such a degree would plummet.

You assume that people are not providing adequately for their retirements because they don't know how. That's a drastic assumption and one I won't stipulate.
LOFL, ornot this is some of the funniest shit you have posted really.
First, I'll take you last point. You seriously think people in general are adequately trained in financial planning for their retirement even with the low number you pointed to that are doing it.
Second, the value of the degree plummeting. That's rich, please tell me you never studied economics at the college level.
There has been increasingly more degree's by generation and the value continues to go up in contradiction to your statement.
Why, easy. It's not a zero sum game.:clink:
Citizen it may go way down, but here's some advice buy the oil co's an alt energy sectors when it starts going back up. They will probably get hammered in the coming fall.
He says to purchase stock options when the prices start to wax again so your 401K doesn't suffer...
HUH ? I thought he said to buy alt energy stocks and oil companies when the oil prices started back up, then sell next fall ?