Meanings of TRUMPTARD Propaganda:
Maxim 1: If you want to know what theTRUMPTARDS plan on doing all you need to do is listen to what they say the left plans on doing. (So... If the TRUMPTARDS say that <insert someone on the left> plans on getting his followers to "take up arms" if <insert that name again> loses, you can bet that they plan on deliberately inciting violent protest, which they will call "mostly peaceful", if they lose).
Maxim 2: If you want to know what the TRUMPTARDS doing all you need to do is listen to what they accuse the left of doing. (If TRUMPTARDS say the "left" is segregating people and are not tolerant, you can bet that the TRUMPTARDS are holding segregated rallies and that they do not know what tolerant actually means). Trump once said, as he saw one Black man in the crowd on the bleechers right behind him, he said, "See there, there is my Black man right there"! You had to be there- It was hilariua!
(I'll add more to this list as you add more to your list).