3d. Talk to her after Dinner, when she's had time to smoke a joint. You'll be amazed at the vast Theories and Predictions that you will learn about. It. will. BLOW. YOUR. MIND!
3d. Talk to her after Dinner, when she's had time to smoke a joint. You'll be amazed at the vast Theories and Predictions that you will learn about. It. will. BLOW. YOUR. MIND!
Lot of similarities between the Nazis and today's Democrats.The Nazis thought it was a good thing.
Lot of similarities between the Nazis and today's Democrats.
I know, me too, I gave them away when I moved.I literally donated copies of every one of those books about a year ago. Now some are selling for ridiculous prices. I'm sad.
I literally donated copies of every one of those books about a year ago. Now some are selling for ridiculous prices. I'm sad.
I literally donated copies of every one of those books about a year ago. Now some are selling for ridiculous prices. I'm sad.
Not on EBay.
Can one still get them on the kindle?
Just checked on my Kindle app. Apparently you can. It's $8.72 and it's unlimited.
Lol, if you pay 9.99 a month you can join “unlimited” I have it so my son has access to any book he wants.
To all those books.
But thats good its still there. As an anti-racist activist ive been at tiles a book like the turner diaries are a goldmine.
Lol, if you pay 9.99 a month you can join “unlimited” I have it so my son has access to any book he wants.
To all those books.
But thats good its still there. As an anti-racist activist ive been at tiles a book like the turner diaries are a goldmine.
I can't think of one time where I would support this kind of thing. I get that a publisher can decide what to publish, and that this isn't government action. I am not conflating these things. I am just thinking that removing books from the public sphere has proven to not be a positive action when we look back through history.
LOL People are funny.
I think that removing certain books is not right. But one of the best things about a country with free media is that we have the right to learn about when certain books are banned from library shelves. Burning books implies total eradication so using that word is inflammatory, so to speak. lol Certain books have been publicized as banned since before I was born. The cool thing about publicizing that is that it makes free and intelligent minds want to read them. It has always been so, throughout human history. I've read dozens of them myself. You?
What a silly issue
There are millions of copies
This company made a marketing decision not to make more copies because no one will buy a book that is deemed to send flawed messages to kids
The right is utterly transparent