Can you name one time in History where it was a good thing to ban or burn books?

3d. Talk to her after Dinner, when she's had time to smoke a joint. You'll be amazed at the vast Theories and Predictions that you will learn about. It. will. BLOW. YOUR. MIND!

If she lives near Austin, she probably doesn't wait until after dinner.

I literally donated copies of every one of those books about a year ago. Now some are selling for ridiculous prices. I'm sad.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The bottomline in America; the Almighty Buck! I'm with you. I'd be crying too if I'd just donated books which quickly turned into a mint.

The silver-lining is to consider the full value of the donation on your receipt for tax purposes. :)
Not on EBay.

The banned titles? Snap them up. Instant collectibles. Obviously the better the condition the more valuable.

Such fads quickly soar in price but never fall much below the high on the backside of the wave. It just means you'd have to sit on them longer if you bought high.

Check it in six months. Anyone who has them could be sitting on several thousand dollars worth.
Just checked on my Kindle app. Apparently you can. It's $8.72 and it's unlimited.

Lol, if you pay 9.99 a month you can join “unlimited” I have it so my son has access to any book he wants.
To all those books.

But thats good its still there. As an anti-racist activist ive been at tiles a book like the turner diaries are a goldmine.
Lol, if you pay 9.99 a month you can join “unlimited” I have it so my son has access to any book he wants.
To all those books.

But thats good its still there. As an anti-racist activist ive been at tiles a book like the turner diaries are a goldmine.

It was "If I Ran the Zoo". I just checked "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street". Apparently it's under review. "The Cat's Quizzer" is not there.

Haven't checked the other three yet.
Lol, if you pay 9.99 a month you can join “unlimited” I have it so my son has access to any book he wants.
To all those books.

But thats good its still there. As an anti-racist activist ive been at tiles a book like the turner diaries are a goldmine.

The other three are not there. Probably weren't on there in the first place anyway.
LOL People are funny.

"A fool and his money are soon parted."

Soooo I learned this today:
"Thomas Tusser...a poem he wrote called Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, in the year 1557. While the wording is a bit different, the expression is still similar enough to the one that’s used today:

“A foole and his money be soone at debate: which after with sorow repents him too late.

Five centuries later people are still being as easily parted from their money. :)
I think that removing certain books is not right. But one of the best things about a country with free media is that we have the right to learn about when certain books are banned from library shelves. Burning books implies total eradication so using that word is inflammatory, so to speak. lol Certain books have been publicized as banned since before I was born. The cool thing about publicizing that is that it makes free and intelligent minds want to read them. It has always been so, throughout human history. I've read dozens of them myself. You?

I'm against banning books, political correctness and authoritarian governments. That said, this is a business decision internal to the heirs of Dr. Seuss. If Amazon or any other business chooses to stock or not stock any books, that's their call. Only fucking morons would suggest forcing the heirs to print or Amazon to carry books.

What's the next step for them? Forcing Amazon to sell Volsrock's latest pamphlet titled "Little Johnny Reb lynches a n****r"?

That's what's really at the bottom of this; a movement to force businesses to start selling everything that they want. It's not just nationalism or white nationalism. It's National Socialism, something they've been pushing for five years.

What a silly issue

There are millions of copies

This company made a marketing decision not to make more copies because no one will buy a book that is deemed to send flawed messages to kids

The right is utterly transparent


While I agree it was a marketing decision, there's something to be said about "moral judgments" too. Morals influence people, but businesses always have to calculate the bottom line if they are to survive as a business. It's just the reality of numbers.

What the Trump Cultists and the Qless want is to force companies to continue selling them Nazi paraphernalia, racists books and porn over the Internet.
They have lost the first two and are very concerned they'll lose the last one due to the "Cancel Culture". ;)