Canada 2nd best coutry~USA 7th

They will be replaced w/ "smart states" that didn't support the dear leader & the residents sent to Mississippi & Louisiana for vacations @ reeducation resorts.........

There is NOTHING smart about Marxist leaning Liberalism. If liberals had a brain larger than an acorn, they could comprehend the OBVIOUS.

What is smart about trying to make everyone in the nation dependent on faceless bureaucrats?

What is smart about empowering the Federal Government making the States subjects to it?

What is smart about constantly spending more tax revenue than you take in, to the tune of over $10 trillion in eight years?

What is smart about political correctness?

What is smart about the Fascist tactics to shut down political opponents with strawman claims and false narratives?

What is smart about attacking those who are the most successful in our society?

What is smart about trickle UP economics?

What is smart about the smarmy stupid "wealth inequality" canard?

What is smart about the smarmy "wage inequality" canard?

Let's face it; you liberal leftists are the dumbest most gullible morons on the planet and stupidly think you're still winning elections. The irony here is that idiots on the left think they are smart while stupidly swallowing the man-caused global warming argument without a single explanation about why the planet cooled and warmed many times before man ever invented the gasoline engine.
ahhh yes while build a wall around America and kill brown people has proven to be such an affective foreign policy.

What is it with liberal morons and their false claims? No one has suggested we build a wall around America or kill brown people you repugnant dunce.

Good lord; is that the ONLY way you ignorant twits can defend the party of the Jackass, by lying your asses off all the time?
The US south would be awesome if it wasn't such a backward peasant culture and the good ole boy mentality wasn't so prevelant. It has made tremendous strides in my lifetime but still has a very long way to go.

Having said that I would rather live there than anyplace above 40 deg N or below 40 deg S.
Sweden has also been fucked up by Muslim migration, that's just a fact Jack!!

Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
Why do you America hating leftist dunces always try to find ways to argue America sucks?

This notion that we don't have some of the finest educational institutions in the world is painfully stupid.

This claim we don't have the best healthcare system in the world is false.

No other nation can claim the diversity and opportunity America offers to the world. No other nation has liberated the number of nations we have from despotism.

It really is a tired stupid argument and one that indicates a complete lack of comprehension of the Constitutional purpose of the Federal Government and our need to defend our allies and interests throughout the world.

If you love Kanukistan so much, what's keeping you morons from moving there? If you think life is so great in Norway, move there.

Your healthcare system is horrendously expensive, incredibly bureaucratic and not fit for purpose. You are now paying for a system that is about to implode.


Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
The UK is without doubt the best in the world, it's not full of fascists like Switzerland and freezing cold like Canada. We are about to exit the EU and regain our rightful place in the world.

Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
Why do we always have to be the #1 $$ military? Why can't we be the # in education?? Child mortality? Health for a while?? :dunno:

because you idiots keep voting in the same establishment totalitarians who lie their asses off to you about 'i'm one of you' and 'I support the middle class' and you still swallow that koolaid, when what they secretly want to do is make bank by continuing war and receiving side money from aggression lobbyists.
because you idiots keep voting in the same establishment totalitarians who lie their asses off to you about 'i'm one of you' and 'I support the middle class' and you still swallow that koolaid, when what they secretly want to do is make bank by continuing war and receiving side money from aggression lobbyists.

I didn't vote for hillary or the rumpf....

& you??
The UK is without doubt the best in the world, it's not full of fascists like Switzerland and freezing cold like Canada. We are about to exit the EU and regain our rightful place in the world.

Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists

The 19th Century is attempting to send you a telegram. I think it wants to know WTF happened to the British Empire. :cof1: