Canada Falsely Accused Torture Victim—But America Kidnapped Him & Had Him Tortured!

Canada placed him on a terrorist watch If, I say If he was tortured it was by Syria. So why blame the US? Lame ass libs blame the US for everything. OK the US is to blame after Canada and Syria. If he was actually tortured which is questionable.
Toby if you have a child and you send them to a babysitter that you are fully aware is a child molester you also have done something wrong. You couldn't sit there and say well I didn't do anything the child molester did.

You aided and abetted a crime. This is what the US has done it aided and abetted Syria in committing a crime. Do you understand this concept.
If I sent a child home to where some say his parents are child molesters I would feel really bad, but I would be legally required to return the child wouldn't I?
Thats not the example I gave. I said if it was your child and you sent them to a child molester.

Or better yet just to make it mirror the situation. A child's mother (Canada) ask you (USA) to find a sitter for the child. You select the child's father who doesn't have custody (Syria) even though you know the father will molest the child.

In such a case you (USA) would also be responsible for the child being molested not just the molester (Syria). Understand?
Canada placed him on a terrorist watch If, I say If he was tortured it was by Syria. So why blame the US? Lame ass libs blame the US for everything. OK the US is to blame after Canada and Syria. If he was actually tortured which is questionable.

And why is that so questionable doubting Thomas; is it because you haven't personally stuck your hand in the sword wound??????