Canada suspends some pork imports from Smithfield Foods

Did anyone else notice Guno's partisan solidarity with the Democrats in loving Ukraine and loathing the US?
Well I was just reading the news and it looks like Fox snooz is already trying to blame the pending recession on Biden.
Yep typical right wingers Trump fucks things up and it is never his fault it is ALWAYS somebody else's.
In this case Biden's.

Of course they are. Every single negative thing that they can't sweep under the carpet will be blamed on Biden. We knew this was coming.
So this isn't a safety issue? Ironically, the USDA will soon be gone under this administration. Previously, most of Europe would not accept U.S beef when 'mad cow' was raging.

That particular mess was created when the industry decided to save money on disposal of waste by putting chicken by products into bovine feed. Feeding meat to vegetarians. What a concept.

Slowly, the world is realizing the food processed in the U.S is simply not safe for human consumption.

Europe doesn't accept GMO foods/products from the U.S. either, although this is partially due to protectionism for their own growers.
Well I was just reading the news
I doubt it. News has become extinct. You must have been listening to propaganda.

and it looks like Fox snooz is already trying to blame the pending recession on Biden
Why do you obsess over Fox News' opinion?

Yep typical right wingers Trump fucks things up
Have you considered giving coherence a try?

and it is never his fault it is ALWAYS somebody else's.
It's a question of accountability. Democrats bear full responsibility for everything they fuqk up. I don't see why you have a problem with that.

In this case Biden's.
Actually, Biden's handlers were at fault. Biden wasn't any more culpable than any other doorstop.
I'm not sure he did...I think they lied to him and just did what they wanted... They Never let him answer questions ...for good reason...
It would have been too dangerous to install Biden with him thinking that he was going to be President and could do what he wanted, he was absolutely told that if he agreed then he was agreeing to follow orders.