~Cancer Cure using Cannabis~


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
I don't smoke pot or whatever term you like to call it. I was brought up very Christian Conservative. I was VERY judgemental of people, even my friends, who smoked pot. But like Jacque Fresco states, nothing is weird if you are raised to believe in it.

Yet today there is talk that Cannibis can cure cancer. I learned this after I learned about DuPont funding the Government to ban pot because they wanted the plastic market, and sadly it worked.

But then we wouldn't need so many workers/jobs to repair the cars. We wouldn't need so many Industrial Driven wars to get oil.

The talk today (and for years) is that the cure for Cancer is and has been out there for a long time but it would put about 36 million people out of work if we cured it. This leads to MANY scams and conspiracy theories.

I'm curious what you all think. Did DuPonts lobbying to Congress make the plant that can cure cancer illegal? Or is this a scam by the potheads to make it legal?
I don't smoke pot or whatever term you like to call it. I was brought up very Christian Conservative. I was VERY judgemental of people, even my friends, who smoked pot. But like Jacque Fresco states, nothing is weird if you are raised to believe in it.

Yet today there is talk that Cannibis can cure cancer. I learned this after I learned about DuPont funding the Government to ban pot because they wanted the plastic market, and sadly it worked.

But then we wouldn't need so many workers/jobs to repair the cars. We wouldn't need so many Industrial Driven wars to get oil.

The talk today (and for years) is that the cure for Cancer is and has been out there for a long time but it would put about 36 million people out of work if we cured it. This leads to MANY scams and conspiracy theories.

I'm curious what you all think. Did DuPonts lobbying to Congress make the plant that can cure cancer illegal? Or is this a scam by the potheads to make it legal?

Marijuana may be useful in treating various types of cancer or for reducing the side effects of other treatments but to pretend it is known to offer some miracle cure is only compelling to science denying morons.

Do not link the legalization movement to these conspiratards.
Marijuana may be useful in treating various types of cancer or for reducing the side effects of other treatments but to pretend it is known to offer some miracle cure is only compelling to science denying morons.

Do not link the legalization movement to these conspiratards.

Marijuana has ZERO efficacy in treating cancer.

It may help reduce some side effects of chemo, but even that is debatable.

But as far as actually treating cancer? ZERO evidence. Do not confuse treatment with ameliorating side effects of said treatment. This is how the pot heads pushed the "medical marijuana" scam. And yes it was and is a scam.
Marijuana has ZERO efficacy in treating cancer.

It may help reduce some side effects of chemo, but even that is debatable.

But as far as actually treating cancer? ZERO evidence. Do not confuse treatment with ameliorating side effects of said treatment. This is how the pot heads pushed the "medical marijuana" scam. And yes it was and is a scam.

Strawman. I EXPLICITLY separated those two items, i.e., treatment of side effect and treatment of cancer. And yes, there is evidence that it may be effective in treatment of certain types of cancerous tumours, but more study is needed.

You are nothing but a stupid hack who attempts to force a fit.
Strawman. I EXPLICITLY separated those two items, i.e., treatment of side effect and treatment of cancer. And yes, there is evidence that it may be effective in treatment of certain types of cancerous tumours, but more study is needed.

You are nothing but a stupid hack who attempts to force a fit.

Post the trials and the types of cancer that it has been show to "treat" and by treat, I mean go into remission or reduce the tumor burden. And I would like to see a randomized controlled double blind study if you please. No observational bullshit.

I will wait ;)
Marijuana has ZERO efficacy in treating cancer.

It may help reduce some side effects of chemo, but even that is debatable.

But as far as actually treating cancer? ZERO evidence. Do not confuse treatment with ameliorating side effects of said treatment. This is how the pot heads pushed the "medical marijuana" scam. And yes it was and is a scam.

It is not debatable at all, as to whether it reduces nausea or increases one's appetite.
Post the trials and the types of cancer that it has been show to "treat" and by treat, I mean go into remission or reduce the tumor burden. And I would like to see a randomized controlled double blind study if you please. No observational bullshit.

I will wait ;)
Hold your breath too.
Post the trials and the types of cancer that it has been show to "treat" and by treat, I mean go into remission or reduce the tumor burden. And I would like to see a randomized controlled double blind study if you please. No observational bullshit.

I will wait ;)

I already have, assmunch, but I shouldn't expect an inbred moron like you to retain anything.


Not that you will be able to make much sense of it.
Seriously an animal trial? While it may be a start, animal trials do not conclusive evidence make.

You can do better

Classic goalpost move by the dipshit hack that has been proven wrong. You said there was ZERO evidence. Now you are trying to change that to "conclusive evidence." I never suggested it was conclusive evidence. I clearly stated more study is needed. Now go back to stfu and don't bother challenging me again, loser.
Classic goalpost move by the dipshit hack that has been proven wrong. You said there was ZERO evidence. Now you are trying to change that to "conclusive evidence." I never suggested it was conclusive evidence. I clearly stated more study is needed. Now go back to stfu and don't bother challenging me again, loser.

No goal post moved at all whiner. See post #8. I was very specific in my request. And if you understood my question, you wouldn't even have brought me an animal trial which is virtually worthless.

Try again
Post the trials and the types of cancer that it has been show to "treat" and by treat, I mean go into remission or reduce the tumor burden. And I would like to see a randomized controlled double blind study if you please. No observational bullshit.

I will wait ;)

You screamed "It can't cure cancer!" right away but didn't offer any information. I'm not sure why you are demanding information from others at this point.
Seriously an animal trial? While it may be a start, animal trials do not conclusive evidence make.

You can do better

So you came in screaming about the topic but later show you know nothing about the topic. Typical..You try to correct your mouth later and say it was the wording.

Here you attack animal trials....LOL....................Nothing says stupid like someone talking about something new that says "animal trials don't prove anything"
Surely you know that almost everything questionable is trialed by animals first lol............(these small brains...)
You are certainly moving the goalposts. You said in #6 there was "ZERO evidence" (your emphasis). There is a lot of space between "ZERO evidence" and "conclusive evidence," which you shifted too after being proven wrong.

Nobody is going to give a placebo to a cancer patient based on a hunch. Maybe some whackjob like you might try it, but it would be unethical and too expensive without some relatively strong evidence and repeated studies providing support. Even animal trials, which are far from worthless (another bold claim you will run away from), should not be done capriciously.

Again, there IS evidence but more study is needed. My original statement is 100% accurate and I don't need to backpedal or move the goalposts. You are just a whiny anti-intellectual nitwit who makes bold claims that can't be supported and then tries to weasel out of them.
Tell ya what boys. Next time someone gets diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer, tell em to set aside the cyclophosphamide and just blaze a doobie, that will cure that cancer right up quick.
