~Cancer Cure using Cannabis~

Tell ya what boys. Next time someone gets diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer, tell em to set aside the cyclophosphamide and just blaze a doobie, that will cure that cancer right up quick.


Run and hide behind your stupid strawman arguments chickenshit. I said nothing to suggest that would be a wise choice and clearly noted that such claims were for conspiratards. You are a loser and blind to reality due to your ideological biases.
And hasa, sometimes happiness and misery are rewards and punishments as the middle managers of the world system blindly enforce rules and standards that are in fact arbitrary and unnecessary. We could all quite easily say no the system, and love each other instead of the reptilian overlord assjackers.
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There has been some talk and studies about Cannabis COMPOUNDS shrinking some tumors but as of yet they havent found them to kill the cancerous cells. Sorry Stoners, even if it does kill cancer, its not by smoking it. Its oils from the plant not the smoke.

Legalizing weed for recreational cancer killing is just as absurd as legalizing it for anything but pain killing prescription use.
Finally some information.......but it wasn't found by the bone heads on this forum. It was on CNN last night.

It seems like the only CONSPIRACY THEORISTS here are the people stating, "It can not cure cancer!" since it is currently being evaluated and the results are currently inconclusive. Clearly, they are still inconclusive on it's treatment of helping with seizures also. And it seems almost no one is given the "ok" to test cannabis in their labs by the NIDA. (Oh the irony; The left wants it legalized, the right doesn't, yet big government stands in the way of lab testing...)


The link above states, "Cannabis has been proven to have a beneficial effect on pain, nausea and neurological disorders. The active substances of the cannabis plant can even kill cancer cells, research shows." and "”The cannabinoids in cannabis prevent cancer cells from spreading, and they contribute to cancer cell death because they hit some receptors that are generally up-regulated in cancer cells,” says Professor Marja Jäättelä, who heads the Cell Death and Metabolism Research Unit at the Danish Cancer Society."

What we have here is people trained the majority of their life to think something is ONLY BAD and can't imagine their way of thinking being wrong. This is called Conservative thinking, not free thinking. I don't care if we legalize it to smoke it or not. But to ignore it's other uses and possible future uses is just plain ignorance..
Again not the smoke, what they are saying anti is that they can make MEDICINE out of Cannabis like they do other illicit drugs. Smoking it does not cure cancer.
Again not the smoke, what they are saying anti is that they can make MEDICINE out of Cannabis like they do other illicit drugs. Smoking it does not cure cancer.

Right, any medicine made from cannabis uses the CBD, not the THC. I don't smoke it, this post isn't some pot-head looking for a lie to repeat to legalize it.
This post is made by an open minded citizen that wants information. I CERTAINLY want the Government to step off and let labs test cannabis for anything it can be used for. I also think we need to start making products out of it again like the Hemp Plastic car that ran on Cannabis. DuPont plastic was a lobbyist who got family into office and since Hemp was making better plastic, the DuPont family member lead the fight to ban the plant. After Hemp was banned, DuPont made a fortune. Same thing is happening today with energy. Lobbyists are paying government to keep change from happening because some people might lose jobs if something better is created....I tend to stand by innovation and the creations that better the planet and the people, not Lobbyists.