Candy Flavored Meth


JPP Modarater

Meth dealers now going after younger users

"SEATTLE - Drug dealers are now using an insidious new method to get children hooked on one of the most dangerous drugs out there - methamphetamine.
Some meth dealers now flavor the drug with candy to appeal to younger drug users.
They're now flavoring the drug with candy. It's a tactic that's already been proven to work..."
Is it for the children or just to make it taste better for the junkies ?

But I agree with IHG. Or maybe they should just be removed from the gene pool alltogether IHG ?
I generally support the libertarian notion that adults can do as they wish provided they do not infringe upon the rights of others. That would mean 'illicit' drugs. As to kids, we (society) recognize that they do not have the capacity to use informed consent. These people are particularly heinous and I believe that they should be sentenced to death.
there is the possiblity of parole or pardon or escape. Nope castration, and sterilization for all repeat sex offenders as well.
there is the possiblity of parole or pardon or escape. Nope castration, and sterilization for all repeat sex offenders as well.

I agree uscitizen. I am a hardliner when it comes to crime and punishment, especially when it involves women or children.
Extra punitive measures appeal to our sense of indignation at these crimes. However there is little evidence that harsh penalties ameliorate crimes. People get lighter sentences in Europe yet they have much less crime.

The problem isn't the punishment the problem is what happens before the crime is committed not after.

However I will say I am a fan of supermax for our most heinous and dangerous of criminals.
I agree uscitizen. I am a hardliner when it comes to crime and punishment, especially when it involves women or children.

Yep, except on the woment thing, Still a bit old fashioned in that area, but spouse abuse against males is not that far below that against females, it just gets more media attention. Some women scare the bejesus out of me! All women are not good. Violent crimes, murders and such are rising fast for women.
But then I still have the old fashioned attitude....
Is it for the children or just to make it taste better for the junkies ?

But I agree with IHG. Or maybe they should just be removed from the gene pool alltogether IHG ?

My understanding of the article is that it was flavored in order to get more children hooked on it.

"Drug dealers are now using an insidious new method to get children hooked on one of the most dangerous drugs out there - methamphetamine."

This was particularly troubling:

"Yvonne Nelson says she has counseled meth users who started as young as 8 years old: "

8 years old? Are there parents giving it to them? Where would they even have the money needed to support their habbits?
but my question LadyT is that really the reason for the flavoring or a media intrepretation ?
We did survive the mickey mouse stamps with acid on them....
but my question LadyT is that really the reason for the flavoring or a media intrepretation ?
We did survive the mickey mouse stamps with acid on them....

I wondered about that too given the example was an addict who used sugary substances to mask its taste/smell and not someone who became an addict because it tasted like candy. Its still disturbing nonetheless given the fact that they are seeing addicts as young as 8.
I wondered about that too given the example was an addict who used sugary substances to mask its taste/smell and not someone who became an addict because it tasted like candy. Its still disturbing nonetheless given the fact that they are seeing addicts as young as 8.

Agreed it is a big problem, but I hardly think it will end the world as we know it.
Heroin did not, pot did not, amphetamines of my era did not. On that note they are giving amphetamines to children now to lose weight .....
So who is really for and who is against drug abuse ?
Part of it appears to be a matter of who profits from it.