Candy Flavored Meth

"I support drug legalization. However these people should be doing hard time in our prisons for this."

Nope... shoot em and leave them in the street as a warning to the other dealers. :burn:
And I support the resurection of stocks on the courthouse lawn for common petty theives, public drunks and such. Just bring em in at night.
Agreed it is a big problem, but I hardly think it will end the world as we know it.
Heroin did not, pot did not, amphetamines of my era did not. On that note they are giving amphetamines to children now to lose weight .....
So who is really for and who is against drug abuse ?
Part of it appears to be a matter of who profits from it.

Actually I was listening ot the radio last week and I was literally enraged. This woman who was dying of a brain tumor was denied medicinal maryjane which helped her actually digest food and eased the pain. Our wonderful authorities seem to think that drugs made in factories by companies that lobby in DC is a better alternative to cheap effective home grown remedies.
Nope , for the repeats, some embaressment might help them to striaghten up a bit.

really? I see nothing wrong with being drunk in public as long as you're not harassing anyone. Come to think of it, I only have a problem with harassers sober or drunk.
in my small town only the public drunks that cause problems get picked up, now in preppy Lexington their Gestapo are quite different.