
What a phony twat.

Another fake, pseudo-pretend conservative who figured out how easy it is to lead you morons around by the nose and get rich off of it.

She probably laughs and sneers at Trumptards in private when the cameras are off.

Just like Trump himself does.

You idiots will believe anything.
What a phony twat.

Another fake, pseudo-pretend conservative who figured out how easy it is to lead you morons around by the nose and get rich off of it.

She probably laughs and sneers at Trumptards in private when the cameras are off.

Just like Trump himself does.

You idiots will believe anything.

Candace Owen, hot, Black, Conservative babe ...
Oprah Windbag, fat, Black, Democrat blowhard ...

Who you going to watch?
Now is the Daily Wire the rag Carlson or Shapiro run? Or is it Matalin? Tough keeping all these Daily sites straight
Candace Owen, hot, Black, Conservative babe ...
Oprah Windbag, fat, Black, Democrat blowhard ...

Who you going to watch?

She is beautiful, so what, that is no reason to watch her show.........

It is enough for many fox viewers I guess......

Leading those sheep to slaughter....... @ least they'll be smilin.:)
She is beautiful, so what, that is no reason to watch her show.........

It is enough for many fox viewers I guess......

Leading those sheep to slaughter....... @ least they'll be smilin.:)

They are easily influenced by shiny objects, pretty ones lead em around by the nose. Girl is gonna make Money she knows who the Rubes are, there is enough for everyone, come and feast....
They are easily influenced by shiny objects, pretty ones lead em around by the nose. Girl is gonna make Money she knows who the Rubes are, there is enough for everyone, come and feast....

Might as well get a piece of the pie.....

Sounds like trump wants it all for himself
Might as well get a piece of the pie.....

Sounds like trump wants it all for himself

Yeup, get it while it's hot.

He does not competition, and cheats if he has to, soon no one will be able to mention his name unless they pay him first.
I think her career as a Right-Wing Conservative Conspiracy theorist Talk Show host will die a quick death.

She's just in it for the money.

I give her 6 months and she'll fall off the radar screen and we'll probably never hear from her again.
Yeup, get it while it's hot.

He does not competition, and cheats if he has to, soon no one will be able to mention his name unless they pay him first.

lol, good paying gig for him.

Some yells fuck trump, cha ching $2 for the rights to his name in vain...........:laugh:
She is beautiful, so what, that is no reason to watch her show.........

It is enough for many fox viewers I guess......

Leading those sheep to slaughter....... @ least they'll be smilin.:)

Why should White people be the only ones that can buy the Snake Oil? Let Black people be bamboozled too. (Think Democracy, Bill) :)