
Only a few years ago Owens had a blog where she wrote lots of anti-trump stuff and even speculated that he had a tiny johnson. She was also critical of conservative repugs like the tea party.

Now she's done a 180 and she's your new hero.

So? She woke up along with Leo Terrell, a man who was an Dem activist for over 30 years!!

She said a while back that one of the greatest influences in her life is Shelby Steele, as well he might be!

Born in Chicago in 1946, Steele, a former college professor who specialized in Russian literature, is the son of a truck driver and the grandson of a slave. His views on how to correct America's racial injustices were deeply influenced by his experiences in the late 1960s and early '70s working in a poverty program in East St. Louis. Steele believes—provocatively—that what killed Michael Brown is the "liberalism that put him in public housing, that expanded welfare payments so that his family broke up, the fatherless home, the terrible education, terrible schools, terrible public housing, uh, the destructive school busing." In place of today's increasing focus on identity politics, Steele believes we need to emphasize citizenship and the experiences we have in common if we are to deliver fully on America's promise as a land of opportunity.
So you say.

BTW, are you pretending to believe in god?


It's complicated.