Capitals only problem.


Verified User
Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.
The People that Control the Means of Production (the Shareholding Class) see it as in their Interest to keep the Drone Class fighting amongst themselves. That way, they can keep making Profits without being disturbed.
Does the Central Bank (the Federal Reserve) have any influence over the Economy?
Is that Communism?
"The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United States of America. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, after a series of financial panics led to the desire for central control of the monetary system in order to alleviate financial crises. Wikipedia"

"Central Control".

Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.
It requires morals to do it without the Cost of Government and there are not enough to go around in modern times.
Does the Central Bank (the Federal Reserve) have any influence over the Economy?
Is that Communism?
No such thing as communist country unless you get to define what it is yourself. Marx defined it and it has never been reached , in fact not even close. This is as silly as these forums get.
Yes. Good observation. The Capitalists aren't complaining. They NEVER complain. They're doing fine. Thanks for noticing.

They should capitalism ,comes in every dollar size the problems lie with the distribution of wealth between the golden few and everyone else. The everyone else have received none of the massive amount of new wealth in this country over the lats 40+ years , that is ever since the trickle down lie.