Capitol in lockdown after cop killed

And he is black

And down the memory hole it goes—even though he actually killed one more cop through violence than the January protest.

Does. Not. Fit. Narrative.

Blood on DemoKKKrat hands.

Another despondent victim of their ruthless Nazi CovidScam.

It disproportionately impacted communities of color, hence DemokkkRats pretending to care about those communities they devastated in their thirst for power.

DemoKKKrats: 21st century Nazis
I don't understand the question.

You thought it must have been a "lib'rul" because he used a knife, not a gun.

Nothing excuses anyone from being ANY KIND of a terrorist.

oh don't be people have already begun making excuses for him now that you know he's a Muslim......."poor boy is just overstressed from being unemployed"......
Want to bet on the identity?

White supremacist?

I'll take "Muslim" for $2000, Alex.

"“An Intro to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his divine warning to us all during these last days of our world as we know it. Satan’s rule over us is up,” the 25-year-old’s apocalyptic post said, linking to an article from Final Call, the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam."

Bam! Called it!
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