Capitol Pilice officer dies. tRump certainly has blood on his hands.

He is brain dead. They do not declare him dead until his family can assemble to wish him goodbye. Then they remove him from life support, and let his body follow his brain.

It is a painful process, which I have been through more than once.

What will make it worse is he is almost certainly unrecognizable. trump worshipers spent a good long time beating him with steel pipes, so his face is probably mush right now. Not being able to recognize the loved one makes it harder to accept.

This was not the actions of one or two people. There were a dozen or more trump worshipers who tortured him to death. And several hundred who aided them in getting in the Capitol Building. All who illegally entered the Capitol Building should be prosecuted for his death.

Gods. How horrible. Let this put away forever the myth that Reichwingers are the peaceful protesters.

No! It's not over yet.

There are still a lot of scary monsters out there on the loose that are hell-bent on further chaos, anarchy, and destruction of Democracy and our American fundamental and governmental institutions.

We have only won a Battle- and not the ongoing war that the Trumptopians declared on the rest of us.

The FBI, Homeland Security, and all of our intelligence agencies have defined, identified, and are now surveilling the movements and activities of these underground Right-Wing Extremist and Terrorist organizations through their media sources, and communications methods, that have fostered during the Trumpian era. Many of these dangerous rogue characters surfaced Wednesday during their Coup attempt and terrorist attack on our Capitol Wednesday.

The FBI is on it and now are making arrests as we speak. And not just the people involved, but also the money sources that are funding these organizations are coming into focus and will also be facing criminal indictments as well.


But yes, stay safe while our governmental institutions work through this process, as no one really knows how bad this is going to get before they can restore law and order again!

It is hard to imagine that this has become the face of the leaders who are controlling the minds, setting agendas, and directing the REPUBLICAN PARTY now!


Another caption for you, courtesy of my daughter:

Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Gods. How horrible. Let this put away forever the myth that Reichwingers are the peaceful protesters.

Nope. Not going down that road. MOST Trump supporters are peaceful. We cannot make the mistake of looking at the worst of them, and we certainly saw that at the Capitol, and think this defines all of them. The same day that was happening I passed by a group on the roadside all smiling and waving with their Trump flags. It was surreal. I was listening on the car radio at that very moment to violence unfolding at the Capitol and wondering if those people on the roadside even knew what was going on in Washington.

I have a lot of personal friends who have supported Trump. Good people. I struggle to understand why they ever thought that man was the one to back, but that was their decision. I know that presidents come and presidents go. Some of these people, I have known for many years and many presidencies. I want to know them for many more. I am not going to let politics destroy friendships and relationships nor determine who I associate with. The current presidency has made that determination a real challenge. I can proudly say my resolve is prevailing.

Stereotyping is a huge mistake. There are good and bad people on both the left and the right. And yes, there are good people who support Trump. How they justify that is up to them. I don't think we should let Trump determine who we maintain relationships with or whether we relate to our relatives or not.
I would have been for defunding the German SS totally, bringing quite a few to trial too, and in many areas your lot seem to be more undisciplined and worse.

“And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be judged who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
**2 Thessalonians‬ *2:11-12‬ *ASV‬‬

I would have been for defunding the German SS totally, bringing quite a few to trial too, and in many areas your lot seem to be more undisciplined and worse.

The "defund police" is the same type of ridiculous misrepresentation that the "Reichtards" always come up with. "They are coming for your guns" is another classic example.