Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones are less than 40,000 years old


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Here is the truth, if you can handle it. I expect most of you cant.
Do yourselves a favor and read the entire article before commenting. It will save you some embarrassment. If you have a short attention span and can't read the whole article, it would be best if you remain silent.
Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones are less than 40,000 years old !

No real scientist attempts to date dinosaur bones with Carbon 14.
No real scientist even attempts to date the bones themselves, the material that is actually dated is the rock material surrounding the fossils.
Based on a quick internet search, there is no evidence a "Dr. Thomas Seiler" has ever published any peer reviewed papers,
no evidence he is employed at a reputable research institution or university,
there is no record of his education or qualifications.
A real scientist has a publication track record, and has reputable professional associations and credentials which should be easily found with google.

All signs point to fake news, or somebody flat out lying their ass off.
No real scientist attempts to date dinosaur bones with Carbon 14.
No real scientist even attempts to date the bones themselves, the material that is actually dated is the rock material surrounding the fossils.
Based on a quick internet search, there is no evidence a "Dr. Thomas Seiler" has ever published any peer reviewed papers,
no evidence he is employed at a reputable research institution or university,
there is no record of his education or qualifications.
A real scientist has a publication track record, and has reputable professional associations and credentials which should be easily found with google.

All signs point to fake news, or somebody flat out lying their ass off.

There is so much evidence from East Africa across to Western Arabian Peninsula dating back 100,000 years. Very cool.
There is so much evidence from East Africa across to Western Arabian Peninsula dating back 100,000 years. Very cool.

I would love to find living or recent dinosaurs, but the evidence is overwhelming that they were taken out at the K-T extinction event.

My current fascination is with human evolution. Apparently, modern humans have 1 to 3 percent neaderthal DNA, so our Neanderthal and possibly homo erectus hominid ancestors live our DNA!
No, I'm not reading the article and I'm calling bullshit on it.

Not only are you lazy, you are dishonest. The testing was performed on many different samples and standard procedures were employed to avoid contamination. I thought you people worshipped science. And yet here you are, refusing to look at scientific evidence because it doesn't fit your atheist narrative. How pathetic. Sucks to be you.
Carbon 14 dating is very accurate for carboniferous samples up to about 4,000 years ago. This is only because it is well calibrated with objects of known age and provenance to determine the C12/C14 ratio at that period of time. Scientists have attempted to go back further back using tree ring data but this has proved problematic and unreliable.Carbon dating fossils is not possible as there is little or no carboniferous material and there is nothing to use as a reference anyway.

So yeh it's bullshit, pure and simple.
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Carbon 14 dating is very accurate for carboniferous samples up to about 4,000 years ago. This is only because it is well calibrated with objects of known age and provenance. Scientists have attempted to go back further back using tree ring data but this has proved problematic and unreliable.Carbon dating fossils is not possible as there is little or no carboniferous material and there is nothing to use as a reference anyway.

If the samples tested were as old as atheists claim, there would be no C14 at all. The fact that they found measurable amounts proves that they are not nearly as old as they believe.
Not only are you lazy, you are dishonest. The testing was performed on many different samples and standard procedures were employed to avoid contamination. I thought you people worshipped science. And yet here you are, refusing to look at scientific evidence because it doesn't fit your atheist narrative. How pathetic. Sucks to be you.

Grugore, there are cave paintings in France and Spain that are 40,000 years old... a million years after the dinosaurs.
Not only are you lazy, you are dishonest. The testing was performed on many different samples and standard procedures were employed to avoid contamination. I thought you people worshipped science. And yet here you are, refusing to look at scientific evidence because it doesn't fit your atheist narrative. How pathetic. Sucks to be you.

I'm dishonest? Dinosaurs weren't with us 40,000 years ago. Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
I can believe it.

Dinosaurs still exist!

Crocs still crawl the Earth!

And birds.. Have you seen the fossilized dinosaur nests with dozens of eggs?

No real scientist attempts to date dinosaur bones with Carbon 14.
No real scientist even attempts to date the bones themselves, the material that is actually dated is the rock material surrounding the fossils.
Based on a quick internet search, there is no evidence a "Dr. Thomas Seiler" has ever published any peer reviewed papers,
no evidence he is employed at a reputable research institution or university,
there is no record of his education or qualifications.
A real scientist has a publication track record, and has reputable professional associations and credentials which should be easily found with google.

All signs point to fake news, or somebody flat out lying their ass off.
Dr. Thomas Seiler is a German physicist with a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Munich. He is a development engineer at Robert-Bosch-Corporation since 2004.
Education: Diploma of Physics from the University of Freiburg, PhD in Physics from the Technical University of Munich
If the samples tested were as old as atheists claim, there would be no C14 at all. The fact that they found measurable amounts proves that they are not nearly as old as they believe.

The half-life of C14 is 5730 years, but remember this is first order decay. So after 5730 years there is 50% left and after another 5730 years there is 25% left, and so on.
The half-life of C14 is 5730 years, but remember this is first order decay. So after 5730 years there is 50% left and after another 5730 years there is 25% left, and so on.

After 40,000 years, that would leave about .30 percent left. Easily enough to be tested. And I'll remind you that fossils millions of years old would contain exactly none. Zip. Zero. Nada.
After 40,000 years, that would leave .39 percent left. Easily enough to be tested. And I'll remind you that fossils millions of years old would contain exactly none. Zip. Zero. Nada.

You are about 100 years behind the times.. and even 100 years ago scientists knew that dinosaurs did not roam the earth with mankind and the creation story was allegory.