APP - Casualties of the Iraq War



[TABLE="class: wikitable"]
SourceCasualtiesTime period[/TR]
[TD][URL=""]Iraq Family Health Survey
[TD]151,000 violent deaths[/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to June 2006[/TD]
[TD]Lancet survey[/TD]
[TD]601,027 violent deaths out of 654,965 excess deaths[/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to June 2006[/TD]
[TD]Opinion Research Business survey[/TD]
[TD]1,033,000 deaths as a result of the conflict[/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to August 2007[/TD]
[TD]Associated Press[/TD]
[TD]110,600 deaths[/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to April 2009[/TD]
[TD]Iraq Body Count project[/TD]
[TD]105,052–114,731 civilian deaths as a result of the conflict. Over 162,000 civilian and combatant deaths[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to January 2012[/TD]
[TD]WikiLeaks. Classified Iraq war logs[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]109,032 deaths including 66,081 civilian deaths.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]January 2004 to December 2009[/TD]
For troops in the U.S.-led multinational coalition, the death toll is carefully tracked and updated daily

[TABLE="class: wikitable"]
SourceCasualtiesTime period[/TR]
Iraq Family Health Survey[/TD]
[TD]151,000 violent deaths[/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to June 2006[/TD]
[TD]Lancet survey[/TD]
[TD]601,027 violent deaths out of 654,965 excess deaths[/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to June 2006[/TD]
[TD]Opinion Research Business survey[/TD]
[TD]1,033,000 deaths as a result of the conflict[/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to August 2007[/TD]
[TD]Associated Press[/TD]
[TD]110,600 deaths[/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to April 2009[/TD]
[TD]Iraq Body Count project[/TD]
[TD]105,052–114,731 civilian deaths as a result of the conflict. Over 162,000 civilian and combatant deaths[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]March 2003 to January 2012[/TD]
[TD]WikiLeaks. Classified Iraq war logs[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]109,032 deaths including 66,081 civilian deaths.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]January 2004 to December 2009[/TD]
For troops in the U.S.-led multinational coalition, the death toll is carefully tracked and updated daily

i was opposed to the war in iraq even though sadahm and his family were tyrannical monsters

the nation never should have been created as it was after wwii with three widely divergent groups thrown together
two wrongs do not make a right.

you would have preferred to keep a dictator in power who murdered nearly 1 million of his own citizens?
two wrongs do not make a right.

you would have preferred to keep a dictator in power who murdered nearly 1 million of his own citizens?

Yes. I wouldn't care if he slaughtered every single non American citizen on the planet.
nice try rune. we are talking about iraqi deaths. yet, you never mention the deaths by saddam's hand. only the deaths caused by the US invasion. so it does imply you have a problem with one and not the other.
yet, you keep harping on the deaths caused by the invasion (NOTE: that does not mean we directly caused the deaths) and ignore the, at least, 8X more deaths that saddam was directly responsible for.

can you see why people think you only care about iraqis because a republican took us to war? you didn't say shit or give a shit about iraqi deaths before bush took us there.
As I said, the topic is casualties of the war we started. Why would I respond to attempts to change the subject?
As I said, the topic is casualties of the war we started. Why would I respond to attempts to change the subject?

and once again, rune shows he only cares about iraqi deaths if caused by the US. you don't really care about iraqi deaths. all you care about is the politics of the deaths.

quite sad.
Once again yurt proves he can never stay on topic, but must always revert to discussing the other poster instead.