APP - Casualties of the Iraq War

and once again, rune shows he only cares about iraqi deaths if caused by the US. you don't really care about iraqi deaths. all you care about is the politics of the deaths.

quite sad.

Its not the same thing dude. Think about all of our own citizens that we kill each year.
Pretty much yes. Seriously. We legally kill people every year. You wouldn't approve of the Canadians storming across our border because of it.

if our president killed citizens and acted like saddam, yeah...i would appreciate it.

i don't understand the dichotomy between iraqi deaths caused by saddam or because of our invasion of iraq. they are dead regardless and i would think, the deaths by the hand of their 'leader' would be more cause for concern. in war, collateral damage is a given. this does not mean that CD is justified, only that is given. but having a leader like saddam who has massacred nearly a million of his own people is sick. taking him out did result in iraqi deaths, however, i can't imagine how many more would have died under his hand or his sons hands.

rune constantly harps on iraqi deaths when they are caused by the US invasion. he never says anything about the deaths under saddam. he only cares because a republican took us to war. he doesn't care about iraqis and that is my point.