Cat Causes Power Outage in New Orleans



Poor Nostradumbcunt, got any predictions?

I predict that Tom will continue to shill for big oil companies, defend rapists at every opportunity and continuously call other men a vulgar word for female genitalia in a very gay fashion.
I have been predicting those things for years and I could always take it to the bank.
He never disappoints.

Poor Tom
I predict that Tom will continue to shill for big oil companies, defend rapists at every opportunity and continuously call other men a vulgar word for female genitalia in a very gay fashion.
I have been predicting those things for years and I could always take it to the bank.
He never disappoints.

Poor Tom

Are you black?
I predict that Tom will continue to shill for big oil companies, defend rapists at every opportunity and continuously call other men a vulgar word for female genitalia in a very gay fashion.
I have been predicting those things for years and I could always take it to the bank.
He never disappoints.

Poor Tom

What's gay about calling a cunt like you a cunt? If the word is good enough for Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld then it's good enough for me.

What's gay about calling a cunt like you a cunt? If the word is good enough for Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld then it's good enough for me.


It's gay.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Poor Tom.