Catastrophe: Time to Take Back the Country

Interesting article. A couple of points.

First, the health care system. It is not being destroyed. It is being improved. There is not ONE country that changed from a "pay or suffer" system to a universal system and then reverted. Not ONE country out of dozens. Big countries, small countries, rich countries, poor countries, capitalist countries, communist countries.....not ONE country went back to the archaic, barbaric "pay or suffer" system. The preferred system is evident.
Yet the so-called "preferred" system results in little to no medical innovation, government mandated rationing, and people from these "enlightened" countries, who can afford it, coming to our "barbaric" pay-or-suffer system. What you proponents of government taking over fail to understand is medical care, unlike things like speech, religion, and other freedoms, is a FINITE resource. You try to spread it around evenly and NO ONE will get adequate care. (except the uber rich who will have an established black (free) market.

Second, nationalizing banks. Why not? The government insures everyone's deposits through the FDIC. When a person deposits money in a bank they are loaning that bank their money and banks being privately owned means the government is vouching for the owners of the bank. In effect, the government is co-signing for the bank. If the bank can't pay you the money you loaned it the government will.

Then we have people who say the government should not interfere with the banks. How many people would co-sign for a loan and not demand to know what the loan was going to be used for?

For example, one may co-sign for a new car for their son/daughter. How many parents would co-sign for a $15,000 loan if their son/daughter said, "I'm not sure what I'll do with the money and I don't feel you should ask me."

There is a marked difference between acting as an insurance company (which, BTW, is underwritten by PRIVATE insurers, in case you are unaware) and taking over.

As for undetermined loans, lenders do it all the time. They are called personal loans. Revolving credit (credit cards) is one of the most prevalent uses of borrowing money in our economy, with only car loans and mortgages exceeding the total debt being currently floated.

But getting back to the fact that FDIC (Federal Depositor's INSURANCE Corporation) insures a deposit, that is NOT the same as cosigning for a loan. A person with substantial personal debt can go to numerous sources and purchase insurance for their debt (in case they lose their job, etc.). These companies do not ask what the money was spent on. They use their actuarial tables to determine risk, and set a price for the insurance.

But it is interesting how you did not try to negate the idea that government is moving steadily toward full blown socialism (which has NEVER succeeded in the long term in the full history of mankind), but rather defend the current moves in that direction as desirable.
speaking out against the Uppity Niger Obama is now called, insane bullshit...but remember when done during a Republican Presidency it's called, patriotic dissent...

but lets remember the Shrill...:cof1:
YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton
Fixed that for you. BTW, speaking out against Obama isn't called "insane bullshit". Speaking "Insane Bullshit" like Dick Morris has, is called "Insane Bullshit". Repealing the D of I. What a nut job! LOL
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Yet the so-called "preferred" system results in little to no medical innovation, government mandated rationing, and people from these "enlightened" countries, who can afford it, coming to our "barbaric" pay-or-suffer system. What you proponents of government taking over fail to understand is medical care, unlike things like speech, religion, and other freedoms, is a FINITE resource. You try to spread it around evenly and NO ONE will get adequate care. (except the uber rich who will have an established black (free) market.

While more money will result in more innovation the same can be said of everything else. The funds from any government program could be used for scientific purposes. Welfare, food stamps, programs for the disabled.....just as there is a minimum of assistance we offer in other areas there should be a minimum of medical care. The problem is some people don't want that. They don't want medical care to be supported by tax dollars similar to welfare and other social programs.

As for a finite resource that argument reminds me of the one about housing. How can we possibly house everyone? How can we have enough apartments in certain cities? However, the housing boom showed us just how fast housing can be built.

As for undetermined loans, lenders do it all the time. They are called personal loans. Revolving credit (credit cards) is one of the most prevalent uses of borrowing money in our economy, with only car loans and mortgages exceeding the total debt being currently floated.

Since the financial meltdown CC companies do closely scrutinize what you buy. If you go from purchasing $1000 suits to buying coveralls and steel toed boots you can bet your CC company is going to check on your employment. If your European vacations are now weekends at the lake something is amiss. Also, while CC do not require one to put up collateral you can be sure they are well aware of your collateral. Your job. Your home. They're watching.

But getting back to the fact that FDIC (Federal Depositor's INSURANCE Corporation) insures a deposit, that is NOT the same as cosigning for a loan. A person with substantial personal debt can go to numerous sources and purchase insurance for their debt (in case they lose their job, etc.). These companies do not ask what the money was spent on. They use their actuarial tables to determine risk, and set a price for the insurance.

Are you sure they don't want to know the reason for the debt? I find that hard to believe. It is one thing to insure (bet on) an individual who is in debt from having purchased a home compared to one who has nothing to show for it.

But it is interesting how you did not try to negate the idea that government is moving steadily toward full blown socialism (which has NEVER succeeded in the long term in the full history of mankind), but rather defend the current moves in that direction as desirable.

Universal medical is not full blown socialism. Some argue that if government runs medical services they will implement some form of control over people to try to keep costs down. I can not think of one country which has universal medical that refuses to treat people with smoke related illnesses and surely that would be considered reasonable after all the information we have about the hazards of smoking.

I think the problem is people relate a government run health care system to an insurance system. We hear about getting permission from insurance companies, what's covered and not covered in the policy, etc. Government run universal medical is not like that. There is one policy for everyone. There is no need to check individual coverage.

Because there is one policy for everyone more procedures are included in the coverage than any individual policy. Also, and this is what's most important, the government does not decide what procedures individuals require which is the way HMOs operate.

If a procedure is covered and a doctor and patient decide on that procedure the government pays the bill. The government is not involved in determining the treatment so this idea of socialism is a non-starter.
Fixed that for you. BTW, speaking out against Obama isn't called "insane bullshit". Speaking "Insane Bullshit" like Dick Morris has, is called "Insane Bullshit". Repealing the D of I. What a nut job! LOL

awww how cute...whatever blows your skrit up..
While more money will result in more innovation the same can be said of everything else. The funds from any government program could be used for scientific purposes. Welfare, food stamps, programs for the disabled.....just as there is a minimum of assistance we offer in other areas there should be a minimum of medical care. The problem is some people don't want that. They don't want medical care to be supported by tax dollars similar to welfare and other social programs.
While there are those who are opposed absolutely to tax dollars being spent on healthcare assistance (What the F do they think is already happening?!?) MOST peoples' concern is a combination of how much is to be spent on health care assistance, and HOW it is to be spent. An additional concern is how any significant increase in public monies spent in health care assistance will affect that portion (which, despite the rhetoric, is actually the vast majority) of our health care that works as it is.

As for a finite resource that argument reminds me of the one about housing. How can we possibly house everyone? How can we have enough apartments in certain cities? However, the housing boom showed us just how fast housing can be built.
Doctors are not houses. You cannot simply make more doctors as needed. The professional requirements, from intelligence to dedication to desire, are not found easily.

Since the financial meltdown CC companies do closely scrutinize what you buy. If you go from purchasing $1000 suits to buying coveralls and steel toed boots you can bet your CC company is going to check on your employment. If your European vacations are now weekends at the lake something is amiss. Also, while CC do not require one to put up collateral you can be sure they are well aware of your collateral. Your job. Your home. They're watching.
And in some cases they may reduce the client's credit limit. But they still do not ask, in advance, what their credit is going to be spent on. In short, whether a large credit limit or a smaller one, whether a credit line is increased due to activity, or decreased due to activity, money is still being loaned - in copious amounts despite the flagging economy - without requiring knowledge of how the money is to be spent.

Are you sure they don't want to know the reason for the debt? I find that hard to believe. It is one thing to insure (bet on) an individual who is in debt from having purchased a home compared to one who has nothing to show for it.
While mortgage insurance and auto loan insurance are by far the most common types of credit insurance, they is also required. You cannot get a home loan or car loan without also buying credit insurance. Credit insurance on revolving credit is less common, but is also voluntary. And no, they do not inquire how people intend to use their credit cards. (How can they, when most people do not know from day to day how or where they will use their credit cards?)

Universal medical is not full blown socialism.
Nobody said it is. However, it IS a step in that direction.

Some argue that if government runs medical services they will implement some form of control over people to try to keep costs down. I can not think of one country which has universal medical that refuses to treat people with smoke related illnesses and surely that would be considered reasonable after all the information we have about the hazards of smoking.
Then explain the proposals already on the table to tax foods considered unhealthy.

I think the problem is people relate a government run health care system to an insurance system. We hear about getting permission from insurance companies, what's covered and not covered in the policy, etc. Government run universal medical is not like that. There is one policy for everyone. There is no need to check individual coverage.
The idea that people must "get permission" from their insurance companies is a (deliberate?) misrepresentation of the facts. An insurance company will state whether a procedure, medication or other treatment is covered. But they have no say whether the patient can receive the treatment. They only say whether the insurance will pay for part or all of it.

Because there is one policy for everyone more procedures are included in the coverage than any individual policy. Also, and this is what's most important, the government does not decide what procedures individuals require which is the way HMOs operate.

If a procedure is covered and a doctor and patient decide on that procedure the government pays the bill. The government is not involved in determining the treatment so this idea of socialism is a non-starter.
Again, not exactly a complete or accurate portrayal of government systems vs. private ones. Medicare - the current government health insurance program, also has its limits on what will or will not be covered. No, they do not interfere with the decisions between a doctor and the patient, but they DO say, like any other insurance coverage, whether the procedure is covered or not. Of course, if a person has no hope of affording a needed treatment on their own, and it is not covered, then it may seem (to some) that the refusal to cover a treatment is "interfering" with the decision. However, since NO insurance, even the rose-colored, drug-induced utopian dreams of the die hard socialists will cover ANYTHING. As such, either the limits of even the best of insurance is going to, at some time, interfere with doctor/patient decisions, OR (the truth) denial of coverage for a treatment cannot be, realistically, called interference.

In that scope, the opponents are lying. Those against a public option are lying by implying the government will interfere with doctor-patient decisions, when the truth is a public option, like any insurance (including Medicare/Medicaid) will simply not cover certain treatments and/or treatments of certain types of conditions. The proponents deny this - and are accurate in doing so. However, the truth is that a public option will also deny coverage for certain things.

As to what is or is not covered, that factor is determined by the type of coverage one has. Simply put, the more expensive the policy, the more things will be covered by that policy. A cheap policy will not cover much or for very long. A very good policy will cover much more. A very expensive policy can be had that will cover almost anything - including optional treatments. (The fact that those policies are usually so expensive it would be cheaper to pay for the optional treatments is beside the point - they can be had.)

The claim that a public option would provide better coverage presupposes that the public option can afford that level of coverage for everyone under it. The truth is most public option proposals to date are not significantly better than a medium level private policy of today.

But it gets better (or worse, depending on what drugs you're on). The public option is only a small part. On top of it all comes a huge package of new regulations on the insurance industry, requiring coverage for preexisting conditions being one huge factor. What do these idiots, who are trying to claim they want to bring down costs, think requiring ALL policies to cover certain conditions that they do not currently cover? Seems they have forgotten that if you increase the costs of a company, that company will either have to raise their fees, or go bankrupt. (There are those who say that is one, unstated, purpose of these new regulations.)

But that also means a public option, if they choose to cover treatments under the same conditions, the costs of the public option will ALSO be much higher than they are admitting to. Insurance companies (contrary to the rhetoric of undeserved profits) do not run at a significantly higher profit margin or ROI than do other companies. As a genre, they run slightly above oil companies and slightly below major retail outlets in profit margin, and below both when it comes to ROI. But that is not relevant anyway, since the country's largest health insurance provider - Blue Cross/Blue Shield - is NON-PROFIT. That means the federal public option plan will, by necessity, be run at approximately the same rates as BCBS.

So I ask: HOW is this great plan, which increases coverage, requires coverage of preexisting conditions, yet is going SOMEHOW to be LOWER than the rates of a non-profit organization? Either the originators are the most self deluded idiots in history, or they are the biggest bunch of liars ever to reach high office.
Doctors are not houses. You cannot simply make more doctors as needed. The professional requirements, from intelligence to dedication to desire, are not found easily.

While that's true there are things that can be done such as lowering or subsidizing the cost of medical training. Just as those who enter the Armed Services receive monies/training a program could be set up for the government to subsidize education costs with the stipulation the graduate must work for a certain length of time in government run clinics. That will also offer the opportunity to those who are dedicated but have no financial chance to train.

Then explain the proposals already on the table to tax foods considered unhealthy.

I see no problem with that considering the health hazards. Illnesses from obesity are well known. Even children are getting diabetes. The amount of salt and sugar added to prepared foods is outrageous. While occasionally eating them is not a problem some children are fed a daily diet.

I heard somewhere they're planning to have restrictions prohibiting fast food restaurants in the vicinity of schools. Makes sense to me.

The idea that people must "get permission" from their insurance companies is a (deliberate?) misrepresentation of the facts. An insurance company will state whether a procedure, medication or other treatment is covered. But they have no say whether the patient can receive the treatment. They only say whether the insurance will pay for part or all of it.

We are talking about payment for services. Obviously the insurance company won’t forbid anyone from getting treatment. Neither do governments which run universal plans. My point is universal plans cover more procedures than individual plans.

I suppose one can get medical insurance for anything if willing to pay. The problem is who can make a rational determination of what diseases or illnesses they may contract and that’s a large part of the problem. Because universal plans cover the entire country more illnesses are covered. I’m sure doctors check with insurance companies before going ahead with an expensive procedure. Under a universal plan there is less “fine print”, so to say. Everyone has the same coverage.

Again, not exactly a complete or accurate portrayal of government systems vs. private ones. Medicare - the current government health insurance program, also has its limits on what will or will not be covered. No, they do not interfere with the decisions between a doctor and the patient, but they DO say, like any other insurance coverage, whether the procedure is covered or not. Of course, if a person has no hope of affording a needed treatment on their own, and it is not covered, then it may seem (to some) that the refusal to cover a treatment is "interfering" with the decision. However, since NO insurance, even the rose-colored, drug-induced utopian dreams of the die hard socialists will cover ANYTHING. As such, either the limits of even the best of insurance is going to, at some time, interfere with doctor/patient decisions, OR (the truth) denial of coverage for a treatment cannot be, realistically, called interference.

In that scope, the opponents are lying. Those against a public option are lying by implying the government will interfere with doctor-patient decisions, when the truth is a public option, like any insurance (including Medicare/Medicaid) will simply not cover certain treatments and/or treatments of certain types of conditions. The proponents deny this - and are accurate in doing so. However, the truth is that a public option will also deny coverage for certain things.

The vast majority of people are happy with Medicare because it covers more procedures than the average policy and that’s the point. The same with a universal plan.

As to what is or is not covered, that factor is determined by the type of coverage one has. Simply put, the more expensive the policy, the more things will be covered by that policy. A cheap policy will not cover much or for very long. A very good policy will cover much more. A very expensive policy can be had that will cover almost anything - including optional treatments. (The fact that those policies are usually so expensive it would be cheaper to pay for the optional treatments is beside the point - they can be had.)

The claim that a public option would provide better coverage presupposes that the public option can afford that level of coverage for everyone under it. The truth is most public option proposals to date are not significantly better than a medium level private policy of today.

But it gets better (or worse, depending on what drugs you're on). The public option is only a small part. On top of it all comes a huge package of new regulations on the insurance industry, requiring coverage for preexisting conditions being one huge factor. What do these idiots, who are trying to claim they want to bring down costs, think requiring ALL policies to cover certain conditions that they do not currently cover? Seems they have forgotten that if you increase the costs of a company, that company will either have to raise their fees, or go bankrupt. (There are those who say that is one, unstated, purpose of these new regulations.)

But that also means a public option, if they choose to cover treatments under the same conditions, the costs of the public option will ALSO be much higher than they are admitting to. Insurance companies (contrary to the rhetoric of undeserved profits) do not run at a significantly higher profit margin or ROI than do other companies. As a genre, they run slightly above oil companies and slightly below major retail outlets in profit margin, and below both when it comes to ROI. But that is not relevant anyway, since the country's largest health insurance provider - Blue Cross/Blue Shield - is NON-PROFIT. That means the federal public option plan will, by necessity, be run at approximately the same rates as BCBS.

So I ask: HOW is this great plan, which increases coverage, requires coverage of preexisting conditions, yet is going SOMEHOW to be LOWER than the rates of a non-profit organization? Either the originators are the most self deluded idiots in history, or they are the biggest bunch of liars ever to reach high office.

Countries with universals plans spend less per capita than the US. That is the proof universal plans are cheaper.

The government also wants to have check-ups covered. Preventive care. That will result in a huge cost savings. Knowing one is on the border of becoming diabetic a change in diet could possibly prevent blindness or amputations due to circulation problems. Then there’s high blood pressure and stroke. Bone density loss and fractured hips.

Just consider the cost associated with a fractured hip compared to the cost of screening and advising a patient on an appropriate diet.

A universal plan is more than just an insurance policy. It encompasses the total wellness of citizens and prevention is the cornerstone of most plans. Whether going to a stop smoking clinic or visiting a dietitian universal plans provide free access encouraging people to be healthy.

If we compare it to home insurance it would be similar to an insurance company visiting ones home and suggesting ways to burglar-proof the home. Dead bolts on doors. Locks on windows. Maybe bars on a basement window hidden by shrubs. Having a light come on automatically when not at home.

As those improvements are made less robberies occur and premiums go down. The same principal applies to a universal medical plan. Preventive measures.