Catering Blitz...


Staff member
We're pretty much pulling an all-nighter getting the food prep done for the cooking on Saturday for my friend's wedding...

So, I'll get on when I can but I am off and on for the next few days.
Good luck with it all.

Especially with this turducken creation. Quite how you trained the Turkey to swallow the Duck who swallowed the Chicken who swallowed a fly (i don't know why it swallowed a fly), i have no idea.
I don't doubt that Damo, just never heard of it before and the first 4 letters just jumped right out at me and made me chuckle.
Yah, I am looking forward to some fun also. Yesterday My property went into Escrow, So very shortlyI will be moving back to where most of my family lives I can go back to preparing Back Yard barbiques and picknicks myself.

I have missed that.

It is no fun just cooking for yourself.
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Yah, I am looking forward to some fun also. Yesterday My property went into Escrow, So very shortlyI will be moving back to where most of my family lives I can go back to preparing Back Yard barbiques and picknocks myself.

I have missed that.

It is no fun just cooking for yourself.

That sounds nice.
Yah, I am looking forward to some fun also. Yesterday My property went into Escrow, So very shortlyI will be moving back to where most of my family lives I can go back to preparing Back Yard barbiques and picknocks myself.

I have missed that.

It is no fun just cooking for yourself.
No kidding. Cooking for yourself is just plain boring.
Thats so true...

It is good to be around ones family. usually :rolleyes:

"Usually"..the kids moved back in a couple of months the youngest daughter left her is fun..but damn I will be glad when she gets her own is really crowded...and hey girls really make a mess in the kitchen and bathroom...gotta love em though!
We're pretty much pulling an all-nighter getting the food prep done for the cooking on Saturday for my friend's wedding...

So, I'll get on when I can but I am off and on for the next few days.

It sounds like so much fun. I love to cook, but haven't been doing much of it lately.

It is one thing I miss about my oldest daughter, she loves to cook and use to have some awesome dinner parties. She wasn't afraid to try unusual dishes.
I believe that is why she loves New York, plus she is 27!
Turducken is awesome. I have it fully prepared and ready for the roaster tomorrow.
I would imagine the hardest part is the proper deboning.(especially the fly--HE HE) But rest assured Damo. My first cookout will include your Jamalya--I kept the recipe (but I would still add Semi-raw sunchokes, or water chesnuts, and mushrooms)
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No vegan here, man has eaten meat for all their exsistance its just a matter of percent that has to be watched.

I do perfer Bird to cattle though.
No vegan here, man has eaten meat for all their exsistance its just a matter of percent that has to be watched.

I do perfer Bird to cattle though.

Nothing like ripping and tearing into a good steak!