Catholic archdiocese accuses Walter Reed of stifling religious rights with ‘cease and

The real question is why fucking keep it after wasting our money for 20 fucking years. Who gives a fuck about Biden? Him finally managing to get one fucking thing right has nothing to do with the meaningless term of 'woke'

The reason you and the military want to get rid of it is it does not fit your evil woke agenda
Then you know noting about the Jewish changing. There are many Messianic Jews

What an ignorant Goy you are

Not accepted as part of Jewish community and cannot claim the Israel citizen ship as a returned Jew, they are a christian outfit funded by the Baptists, most of them were born goyim pretending to be Jews

It must be remembered that the very origin of these groups is in the missionary activity of Christianity. The first and most well-known of them, ‘Jews for Jesus,’ was a new organization, created in the 1970’s sponsored by Protestant missionaries.

Rabbi Kassel Abelson for the Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards in 2012, Jewish Law makes a distinction between non-Jews who are Christians and born Jews who accept Christianity. Having left Judaism, the latter are Christians who are also apostate Jews. As such Jewish Law cannot grant them the privileges of Jews such as synagogue membership, aliyot to the Torah and Jewish burial.

And no, goyim like you cannot decide who is Jewish
What an ignorant Goy you are

Not accepted as part of Jewish community and cannot claim the Israel citizen ship as a returned Jew, they are a christian outfit funded by the Baptists, most of them were born goyim pretending to be Jews

It must be remembered that the very origin of these groups is in the missionary activity of Christianity. The first and most well-known of them, ‘Jews for Jesus,’ was a new organization, created in the 1970’s sponsored by Protestant missionaries.

Rabbi Kassel Abelson for the Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards in 2012, Jewish Law makes a distinction between non-Jews who are Christians and born Jews who accept Christianity. Having left Judaism, the latter are Christians who are also apostate Jews. As such Jewish Law cannot grant them the privileges of Jews such as synagogue membership, aliyot to the Torah and Jewish burial.

And no, goyim like you cannot decide who is Jewish

So you show how cotrolling the Jews are. Even though the Jews no longer have a way for forgiveness of sins since you no longer sacrifice because some Rabbi declared it was no longer needed. Yet your Holy Book says blood sacrifices are needed for forgiveness of sins. At least the Messianic Jews Have the blood of Jesus for their forgiveness of sins
So you show how cotrolling the Jews are. Even though the Jews no longer have a way for forgiveness of sins since you no longer sacrifice because some Rabbi declared it was no longer needed. Yet your Holy Book says blood sacrifices are needed for forgiveness of sins. At least the Messianic Jews Have the blood of Jesus for their forgiveness of sins

You goyim have no say about Jews, for over 2000 years you christer roaches have been trying to convert us , mostly through force ie the crusades, inquisitions and subterfuge, Jews have killed themselves before being forced to accept idolatry

Learn why Judaism rejects your man god

You goyim have no say about Jews, for over 2000 years you christer roaches have been trying to convert us , mostly through force ie the crusades, inquisitions and subterfuge, Jews have killed themselves before being forced to accept idolatry

Learn why Judaism rejects your man god

I'll never try to convert you,Jew's are on a different time line!
" The first shall be last"
You goyim have no say about Jews, for over 2000 years you christer roaches have been trying to convert us , mostly through force ie the crusades, inquisitions and subterfuge, Jews have killed themselves before being forced to accept idolatry

Learn why Judaism rejects your man god

You need to realize Jesus died for you. So you will ignore you no longer have a way for forgiveness of sins
How does this “prove” Biden is not a Christian? It doesn’t even suggest Biden knew about it. You people are insane with hate.

He is commander in Chief and he has done nothing to fix it. He shows he is not a Christian in many ways
Stupid, Catholic IS the original Christian Church. The Church built by the apostles.

That's what they claim! But the true definition of a Christian is a believer that Jesus is the Messiah the savior of the world, the Passover Lamb,and the believers are filled with the Holy Spirit. There's no buildings or denominations. Some Catholics belong to the true Church,but that's a minority. The majority are caught up in following Catholic rules and following Catholic dogma,not eating fish on Friday, playing bingo,and believing Mary was a perpetual virgin,and other nonsense.
Biden once again shows he is not a Christian. So much for freedom of religion. Instead we gwt a woke military
This is ridiculous, individuals can still have their priests administer care, Walter Reed just isn’t going to pay Catholics to have a staff and a ready means of conversion for ill military personnel on hand.

They are being more cost effective. Why doesn’t the church pay Walter Reed, rent the facilities? That’s the way it should be.
I don't believe in religious rights
because the people who demand them for themselves
usually don't want to afford them to others.

The pilgrims were an excellent example.

Middle American Christians, for example, are some of our most blatant Islamophobes.
If we can't accommodate both sides, I'm perfectly good with shutting both sides down.
They annoy me equally anyway.

We talk a lot about pronouns these days, but the founders did a shitty job with prepositions.
We needed freedom from religion.