APP - Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid races

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
once upon a time there were three races called Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid.

in this post i will only address Negroid and a subset of Caucasian named native-american which a few tens of thousand years ago were likely mongoloid or a mongoloid/caucasian mix...ask the anthropologsts or people that seem to care, in any case from northern asia via the bering land bridge/strait that settled from alaska to the southern tip of chile

in my lifetime the polite or PC term for Negroid in this nation changed from colored to negro to black to african-american

remember that the NAACP stands for the national association for the advancement of colored people (meaning all people of color not just african-americans)

personally, i am one of a few (or at least a distinct minority) americans who are among those considered native-americans but should be referred to as the original immigrants, there are no native americans to the best of my knowledge but this may change,, who knows

but, how about this, are we not all american citizens loyal to our nation (well most of us that is), except for non-citizens like legal and illegal you johny come lately europeans and africans...:)

theoretically, except for those born here, a lot of us are immigrants

for those that insist on being called *-american, i say go back to where you or your ancestors were born or shut up and call yourself americans or u s of american(s)

while most a-a's were imported/enslaved and bred for certain traits, most of my ancestors were hunted down and killed and/or put on reservations to be neglected and left to rot (my ancestors were from the Colville reservation and europe, my father from Colville and mother european parents, but both were born in the u s of a)...

honest injun...
Black people are not truely the color balck and white people are not truely the color white!
Black people are not truely the color balck and white people are not truely the color white!
I hate these PC labels. All they do is combine multiple cultural groups to try and erase their individual history. Same goes for American Indians. India wasn't even called India when Columbus landed. It was Hindustan.
once upon a time there were three races called Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid.

in this post i will only address Negroid and a subset of Caucasian named native-american which a few tens of thousand years ago were likely mongoloid or a mongoloid/caucasian mix...ask the anthropologsts or people that seem to care, in any case from northern asia via the bering land bridge/strait that settled from alaska to the southern tip of chile

in my lifetime the polite or PC term for Negroid in this nation changed from colored to negro to black to african-american

remember that the NAACP stands for the national association for the advancement of colored people (meaning all people of color not just african-americans)

personally, i am one of a few (or at least a distinct minority) americans who are among those considered native-americans but should be referred to as the original immigrants, there are no native americans to the best of my knowledge but this may change,, who knows

but, how about this, are we not all american citizens loyal to our nation (well most of us that is), except for non-citizens like legal and illegal you johny come lately europeans and africans...:)

theoretically, except for those born here, a lot of us are immigrants

for those that insist on being called *-american, i say go back to where you or your ancestors were born or shut up and call yourself americans or u s of american(s)

while most a-a's were imported/enslaved and bred for certain traits, most of my ancestors were hunted down and killed and/or put on reservations to be neglected and left to rot (my ancestors were from the Colville reservation and europe, my father from Colville and mother european parents, but both were born in the u s of a)...

honest injun...

Don, they are only called "african-american" for the purpose of identifying their race. Are you suggesting that their race now be called "American", thus robbing any adjective of any racially identifying purposes? Maybe just pretend race doesn't exist at all, and there's no such thing as skin color?

I have American colored eyes, and American colored hair!
Black people are not truely the color balck and white people are not truely the color white!

As my late mother used to say considering the "mingling" one day we'll all be the same color. We'll all be considered one race, the human race. What a grand future to look forward to so I say, "Mingle!" :)
I hate these PC labels. All they do is combine multiple cultural groups to try and erase their individual history. Same goes for American Indians. India wasn't even called India when Columbus landed. It was Hindustan.
Oh please be quiet you inbred Appalachian American. (translation from PC "Shut the fuck up you genetic defective hillbilly;-)
Don, they are only called "african-american" for the purpose of identifying their race. Are you suggesting that their race now be called "American", thus robbing any adjective of any racially identifying purposes? Maybe just pretend race doesn't exist at all, and there's no such thing as skin color?

I have American colored eyes, and American colored hair!


a-a is not a race but a sub-race at best

mixed or mingled is what most of us really are, plus Africa is not homogenous, there are several sub-groupings within Africa especially between sub-Saharan and [FONT=&quot]Mediterranean Africa. i doubt that many of us are 'pure' anything and as time goes on fewer and fewer of us will be 'pure' anything, especially here in the u s of a...

we will still different colored skins and eyes, but as far as skin is concerned, 'pure' black or white is in decline

one possible exception may be the very light skined redhead or the negroid that is so black that their skin color is almost a deep purple and then there is the ocassional albino

the asian/mongoloid yellow skin and slanted (epicantic eye fold) eye seems to be rather dominent as a feature, but sufficient mingaling may change even that

oh well