APP - Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid races


^ what is that?

and if you joke that its me, no one will laugh, because that is so unoriginal
Actually ya do. They're called latinas. WAY better than most black girls.

No worries, mate. It's all just insignificant personal preference, and there are way more important things in people. But, as long as you're on the team, as long as you're procreating, and part of the master plan to turn the world a darker shade of brown, I salute you. Pale white skin is one thing that actually makes me believe evolution theory might be wrong.
Furthermore, considering all the violence due to racial differences one can feel gratified knowing that by mingling they are promoting world peace. I ask, "Can there be a more noble objective?"

Not to mention the master plan to turn the world a shade of brown will save a buttload on health care costs. You can barely stick a pale white person in the sunlight for 30 minutes without the risk of melanoma, third degree burns, and skin cancer.

I have no idea how natural selection and evolution theory can explain the surplus of pale white skin on the planet; and this is a weak link in evolution theory that I’m surprised the Creationists haven’t exploited.
Actually ya do. They're called latinas. WAY better than most black girls.
There all good cuz, there all good. :)

Though I have to admit...I've been with pretty girls of most races and Latinas, in my limited experience, were all very enthusiastic and appreciative lovers. African American women I compliment them for not being intimidated by their sexuality but I sure do love my little lovely Asian Bride. :)
No worries, mate. It's all just insignificant personal preference, and there are way more important things in people. But, as long as you're on the team, as long as you're procreating, and part of the master plan to turn the world a darker shade of brown, I salute you. Pale white skin is one thing that actually makes me believe evolution theory might be wrong.
Spends some time in Canada or Northern Europe and you wouldn't say that! LOL
Whichever you are most attracted to are always the "best"... Latina women and Native Americans for me... and redheads... and brunettes... Dangit. They are ALL awesome!
Furthermore, considering all the violence due to racial differences one can feel gratified knowing that by mingling they are promoting world peace. I ask, "Can there be a more noble objective?"
Make love not war. I can remember my Grandmother being scandalized about interacial marriages. She said "Those people should think about the children!" I said "Grandma...I love you to death....BUT THAT'S ABOUT THE DUMBEST THING I EVER HEARD!" I mean, is it better to go through life with a multi-racial heritage and to be subjected to descrimination or is it better to not exist at all? I know which one I'd choose! LOL
Whichever you are most attracted to are always the "best"... Latina women and Native Americans for me... and redheads... and brunettes... Dangit. They are ALL awesome!

Just like Mr. Wilson said.

"Well East coast girls are hip
I really dig those styles they wear
And the Southern girls with the way they talk
They knock me out when I'm down there

The Mid-West farmer's daughters really make you feel alright
And the Northern girls with the way they kiss
They keep their boyfriends warm at night"

They all have their special attributes. :)
No worries, mate. It's all just insignificant personal preference, and there are way more important things in people. But, as long as you're on the team, as long as you're procreating, and part of the master plan to turn the world a darker shade of brown, I salute you. Pale white skin is one thing that actually makes me believe evolution theory might be wrong.

Actually my wife is lighter than I, but thanks for subtly infusing ethnicity and skin color. :)
Just like Mr. Wilson said.

"Well East coast girls are hip
I really dig those styles they wear
And the Southern girls with the way they talk
They knock me out when I'm down there

The Mid-West farmer's daughters really make you feel alright
And the Northern girls with the way they kiss
They keep their boyfriends warm at night"

They all have their special attributes. :)
Yea.....but there not all California girls.
Redheads are usually ugly but when they're hot they're REALLY hot.

Redheaded men are never good looking.

what about red-blond, with red beards, i did not have any trouble attracting girls when i lived in hawaii - 6'2" 195# then...swimming, surf'in, sun and sand and lots of fun